a port of the arcade classic and a really good port too very fun. This is a game that was widely ported and suits handheld consoles
pengo gg gamegear arcade port
牛蛙——一个听起来就很NB的ID,一个让敌人胆战心惊的神话,一位神功盖世的狗头教教主,一个敢于挑战DOTA极限的男人! Rayz制作的狗头神教教主牛蛙精彩视频,为我们诠释了狗头人这个英雄的IMBA之处!空前绝后的跳刀狗头或许会让你看得瞠目结舌! ***black:do my best and leave all else to god ***pengo:wanna gg ***black:me too ***pengo:what a fucking nibility meppo ***yeon:It seems bullfrog ***pengo:really? ***yeon:he said in this channel just a moment ago