Developer: TGL Genre: Fighting System: SFC (JP) Super VG ヴァリアブル・ジオ - 1993 - TGL Thisrun is tool assisted thus did not require any skill at all to perform. The purpose of this video is just to be entertaining to watch rather than displaying my gaming skills.
Super VG ヴァリアブル・ジオ TGL Variable Geo fighting snes
Super Variable Geo Ranma 1/2 battle master SD hiryu no ken
ヴァリアブル・ジオ super variable geo ranma 1/2 chougi ranbu
Advanced VG / あすか120%リミテッド all-girl fighting game for Sega Saturn. Manami vs Satomi 1P: CatGirlLover 2P: Yuki Asakawa