石柱の速度ってどのくらい?そんな素朴な疑問にいろいろな角度から検証をしてみました。気も何も使わない放物運動は果たして石柱投げを成功させることができるのか?w※この動画はうp主の妄想を具体化したものであり、DBの世界を壊そうとするものではありません。というかうp主は18号に踏まれたいお年頃ですwうp主は素人なので物理や力学の間違いはご容赦ください。音声協力:たりき(吉田君使用)曲順:ChalaWARASHIBENon-titleTrailer for RubyIntruder宇宙遊泳版できました→sm14588787前作:sm14168224ボカロ作品mylist/4218834他mylist/3228616Rubyソングコンテストに「灼熱のruby/シン」で参加中です。http://creofuga.net/contests/content_body/30
Original Air Date: December 13th 2009 The first SNES/SFC RPG by Yanoman and JAM which was made to act as filler until they updated their semi-popular ’Aretha’ series Song Master is a fairly slow very old-school RPG. It’s decent in its own right (average-to-above-average) but not particularly impressive on any front. Yuri joins other characters to save the land in this fairly cliched RPG. Characters can attack and support through the power of songs and music though it isn’t done any differently from a conventional RPG. The game’s combat engine looks like Traysia or the NES Ultima Exodus at a glance though it is more simplified and doesn’t do much with its movement system which added a small strategic element to the latter games.