Original Air Date: July 16th 2008 This is it! The ’main’ final battle for this tough Japan-only Rogue RPG! We’ve also added the ending with it so enjoy!
Original Air Date: July 12th 2008 This is a sample gameplay video of the ASCII published title Milandra (or Milandora) for the Super Famicom in 1997. The game is a strange Rouge-Style type of RPG that allows you to control multiple characters. The characters can be given specific AI orders or you can manually control them one by one which comes in handy whenever large groups of enemies are around. The game features character designs by the popular Noriko Nagano and is fairly rare as far as Super Famicom titles go.
Original Air Date: December 15th 2008 Think of a two-player Secret of Mana that’s hard to enjoy without a friend and still a bit hard to enjoy though more enjoyable to play with a friend. Then throw in lots of puzzles and a great soundtrack. Okay now imagine that you could use team-attacks and other various cool things but the game suffers easily from slowdown. You put all those things together and you kinda get the Japan-only ARPG Ruin Arm. Enjoy.
Original Air Date: April 12th 2009 Power of the Hired is a rather obscure fairly uncommon and very affordable strategy game with minor RPG elements. It’s also a good game that nearly no one knows about. You lead an attractive female summoner into battle against hordes of evil-doers monsters and the undead and you are very often greatly outnumbered by 2:1 3:1 4:1 etc. The good news? You’re not alone. You’ll be joined by three other folks but you will also be able to bring a few of your own monsters into battle. The interesting thing is that your spells will be altered depending on the combination of summoned monsters you wish to aid you in battle. This game also has a faster pace than some stratgey games and actually makes you have to micro-manage nearly every tactic to perfection in order to reasonably beat the odds. Various levels have conversations that take place back and forth between friend and foe and there are many level elements to consider. For instance in this sample video the ground is catching on fire forcing you to move in and take the offensive. Another level has you on a bridge fending off enemies from almost every angle but the decaying wood falls into the rapids below forcing you to act quickly. The visuals are also nice with many fluid animations for a game of its kind and the music is tolerable. It can be had for under ten dollars complete if you look a little. Enjoy.
I don’t even think this classifies so much as a game. Fuck you hardcore ocean.
ミランドラ. 1997年1月31日 アスキースーパーファミコン ロールプレイング 難易度:★ ★★☆☆ 名作度:★★☆☆☆ クソゲー度:★★☆☆☆ | コメント(0). ミランドラ. (c )アスキー. トップに戻る ...
もちろん、攻略本や攻略サイトに頼らない場合の話だが。 実際オレも、『サガフロ2』は プレイ開始当初からかなり気に入っていたゲームだったのだが、 ... 6位:ミランドラ ( SFC). 『不思議のダンジョン』シリーズのパチモンというか亜流みたいなモンかな? ...
GAME大宝庫 裏技宝典 スーパーファミコン. ミランドラ. ◇仲間と話せる まず、自 キャラを仲間のとなりに立たせる。 そして、仲間のいるほうを向いてAを押そう。 すると、仲間がそのときの状態に応じたセリフを話す。
GAME大宝庫 裏技宝典 スーパーファミコン. [み]. Mr.Do! ミスティック アーク ミステ ...
スーパーファミコン「ミランドラ(ソフトのみ)」【中古】が、 →1315円(税抜)!品数 豊富&安心のスーパーポテトで!!
SFC エキゾーストヒート2 F1ドライバーへの軌跡(ソフトのみ)【中古】【 スーパーファミコン】 SFC ...
【箱付】ミランドラ(MILANDRA) 【スーパーファミコン・箱説付き】【中古】 のゲーム画面、【箱付】ミランドラ(MILANDRA) 【スーパーファミコン・箱説 付き】【中古】をプレイしたみんなの感想レビューを掲載中.
カードマスター リムサリアの封印 (Card Master) 【スーパーファミコン・ RPG】【中古】. 定価 ...
eu gostei do super jogo da vida
スーパー人生ゲーム2 - レトロゲームDB · 11 years ago
Hi, hope u have time to visit my channel to checkout my new animation on Contra, Thanks :)
コントラ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
スーパーマリオブラザーズ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
レトロゲーム関連情報をいち早くお届け! レトロゲームDB公式ツイッターです、是非フォローしてください。