ファミコリーコンピュータの逸品 曲:TimFollin マイリスト mylist/23506824 追記:7194 製作:Randil 掲載:http://tasvideos.org/2798S.html Solstice 最速クリアTAS sm1386014 こちらも8bitの逸品 マスターシステム ダライアスII(ナツメ)/ 1 sm622762/ 2 sm627003 : ファミコン ファイナルミッション(ナツメ)sm8641344 : マックスウォーリア (KID)sm9347523 : ゲーム ファミコン 技術力 Family Computer Nintendo Entertainment System NES FC GAME
My favorite (and quite possibly the greatest) NES song of all time. The man behind the music is Tim Follin an underappreciated composer of killer tunes for a bunch of retro games. If this sounds a bit prog rockish to you that’s because it is - Tim listened to a lot of progressive rock growing up and was thus heavily influenced by it (lucky for us). This and a lot of his other tunes are basically prog rock songs but composed for video games. He’s one of the only oldschool game music composers who made music like this.
tim follin nintendo video games solstice equinox rock