この動画はsm3365582sm3365777sm3365894をひとつにまとめ、宝箱の出し方加えたものです。宝箱の出し方は、よっち氏のサイト『おれんちはうす』(http://www24.big.or.jp/~yotchi/)内の【ドルアーガの塔 攻略】の使用許可を頂きました。プログラム内部にまで踏み込んだ攻略は必見です。イシターの復活→sm2593838 COMMON ROOMルート→sm7268497動画リスト→mylist/4942396 mylist/10830946
Namco Clasics Xevious Family Stadium Digdug Pacman Mappy
Dig Dug (ディグダグ) is an arcade game developed and published by Namco in Japan in 1982 for Namco Galaga hardware. It was later published outside of Japan by Atari. A popular game based on a simple concept it was also released as a video game on many consoles. PLAYER - SEABOOK
dig dug digdug ディグダグ nes famicom ファミコン レトロゲーム
Sky Kid (スカイキッド Sukai Kiddō) is a horizontal scrolling shooter arcade game that was released by Namco in 1985. It runs on Namco Pac-Land hardware but with a video system like that used in Dragon Buster. It is also the first game from Namco to allow 2 players to play simultaneously. The game was later released on the Famicom (brought to the American NES by Sunsoft) and both this version and the original arcade version were later released on Nintendo’s Virtual Console service. A sequel named Sky Kid Deluxe was released in 1986. It introduced several new enemies and missions. PLAYER - SEABOOK
スカイキッド SKY KID nes famicom ファミコン レトロゲーム ゲーム
Gameplay trailer of NES classic space shooter ’Star Luster’ by Namco. Including ending with highest rank. This game is a kind of NES version of Atari ’Star Raiders’. stardogs.netgamers.jp スターラスター (ファミコン版) プレイ動画。 最高ランクでのエンディングを含む。 stardogs.netgamers.jp
Star Luster Starluster namco NES FC スターラスター スター・ラスター
MAPPY is classic arcade game. I think that ’MAPPY theme’ is the greatest game music. This tune was performed in Nagoya(Japan) on January 17 2009.
MAPPY マッピー NES ファミコン namco ナムコ guitar ギター
ファミコン「スターラスター」アドベンチャーモード・クリア動画。解説付き。 Walkthrough of NES classic space shooter ’Star Luster’ by Namco. Including ending with highest rank. This game is a kind of NES version of Atari ’Star Raiders’.
Star Luster Starluster namco NES FC スターラスター スター・ラスター
Sky Kid (スカイキッド Sukai Kiddō) is a horizontal scrolling shooter arcade game that was released by Namco in 1985. It runs on Namco Pac-Land hardware but with a video system like that used in Dragon Buster. It is also the first game from Namco to allow 2 players to play simultaneously. The game was later released on the Famicom (brought to the American NES by Sunsoft) and both this version and the original arcade version were later released on Nintendo’s Virtual Console service. A sequel named Sky Kid Deluxe was released in 1986. It introduced several new enemies and missions. PLAYER - SEABOOK
スカイキッド SKYKID nes famicom ファミコン レトロゲーム ゲーム レゲー
ファミコン「スターラスター」アドベンチャーモード・クリア動画。解説付き。 Walkthrough of NES classic space shooter ’Star Luster’ by Namco. Including ending with highest rank. This game is a kind of NES version of Atari ’Star Raiders’.
Star Luster Starluster namco NES FC スターラスター スター・ラスター