MD版のDJボーイをうp。ラストです。ラスボス戦は危なかったです。マイリスト→mylist/17992859 part1→sm11408866
発売当時にVHSに録画したもので発売日のMDが修理の為基盤バージョン3RDあたりに変更されての実機録画です。基本的に何度もPLAYした上での録画ではなく初シーンで録画しているのでやられまくりのシーンあり。攻略本見ずにPLAYしながら自力初攻略しているものを録画してます。 セガのメガドライブのゲームを主にエンディングを収録したものです。新NO.1~No.3まで◆ゲームリスト:シャドーダンサー(MD):アイラブ米黒鼠 ふしぎのお城大冒険(MD):エレメンタルマスター(MD):サンダーブレード(PCE):DJboy(MD):スーパーリアルバスケットボール?(MD):PS3時の継承者(MD):ウイップラッシュ(MD)◆うp主の他の投稿動画リスト:(mylist/9603876)
[Genesis/Megadrive] DJ Boy DJ보이 DJボーイ
Original Air Date: September 02nd 2009 So I finally found one of the lost games from my early years complete in a thrift store for $2 a few days ago and said to myself ’Oh man! I gotta play this game!’. What is it? It’s none other than DJ Boy an obscure and somewhat controversial one-player beat-em-up game by Kaneko. I played this game on my older brother’s friend’s Genesis during a rental and remembered almost nothing about the game other than the bomb-throwing girl on the first level and the rollerskates. I probably wasn’t any older than six when I played it. The US release has been edited in a number of ways and modified some of the original Japanese releases’ questionable stereotypes but this game was rushed to market so quickly that evidence of the game’s hack job is all over the place. Still what was removed didn’t make the game much better and I decided to play this game on real hardware to celebrate my find. The first thing I did was do a little research on the game. Apparently the word-of-mouth going around is that this game is a really hard game that most won’t be able to clear without an emulator save states or Game Genie. I got the hang of the game in under an hour. I wouldn’t say the game is easy but the game might be unjustly criticized in that regard. In fact I beat the game on Normal difficulty (the highest default difficulty) and again after I cleared the game on ’Hard’ all without losing a single life. I might play through the Japanese game via b.../b
Original Air Date: September 03rd 2009 So I finally found one of the lost games from my early years complete in a thrift store for $2 a few days ago and said to myself ’Oh man! I gotta play this game!’. What is it? It’s none other than DJ Boy an obscure and somewhat controversial one-player beat-em-up game by Kaneko. I played this game on my older brother’s friend’s Genesis during a rental and remembered almost nothing about the game other than the bomb-throwing girl on the first level and the rollerskates. I probably wasn’t any older than six when I played it. The US release has been edited in a number of ways and modified some of the original Japanese releases’ questionable stereotypes but this game was rushed to market so quickly that evidence of the game’s hack job is all over the place. Still what was removed didn’t make the game much better and I decided to play this game on real hardware to celebrate my find. The first thing I did was do a little research on the game. Apparently the word-of-mouth going around is that this game is a really hard game that most won’t be able to clear without an emulator save states or Game Genie. I got the hang of the game in under an hour. I wouldn’t say the game is easy but the game might be unjustly criticized in that regard. In fact I beat the game on Normal difficulty (the highest default difficulty) and again after I cleared the game on ’Hard’ all without losing a single life. I might play through the Japanese game via b.../b
DJ Boy is a so-so controversial beat-em-up game developed back in the late 80s / early 90s by Kaneko and featured a variety of stereotypes racial overtones and interesting pop culture. It also featured two disk jockeys ’Demon Kogure’ in Japan and ’Wolfman Jack’ in the US (though the US game still uses Demon Kogure’s sprite in the short intro). A fair (and much easier) conversion was made for the Sega Genesis / MD which lacked a two player mode and changed several of the game’s references and was less ’hip’ but had better play control you could gain money and it featured a shop after levels which could increase your abilities. A (better) sequel named ’B. Rap Boys’ was made for the Arcades in 1992. This was one of the early games from my childhood that I first played on the Sega Genesis (and added to my collection not so long ago). While the Gen/MD game had a plot of some kind (in its manual primarily) the Arcade game doesn’t really have much of one. Playing as the titular ’DJ Boy’ (named Donald J. Boy in the Gen/MD game) you’re out to stop some lame ’Roller Fighters’ who crashed your groove session and took your beatbox and the game continues from there as things get bizarre. Dubbed a fight-race you fight people on rollerskates at high speeds and ocassionally slow down to take care of any lingering thugs and boss enemies. You have a limited assortment of punches and kicks to use and enemies have A LOT of vitality. You get bonus points by sucessfully landing b.../b
This is a very short example of what the game looks like and the level of difficulty of it .lol
DJ Tiesto - Purple Party -
DJボーイ 海外タイトル: DJ Boy 発売日: 1990年5月19日 開発: カネコ/インター ステイト 機種: メガドライブ ジャンル: アクション 価格: 6000円 ... とはいっても、 ボス戦の攻略は結構ワンパターンなんですけどね。1面のボスは太った黒人のおばさん。 ...
タントアール SS版. DJボーイ ディックトレイシー 攻略中断. デビッド・ ロビンソン バスケットボール ... 関連記事. アレックスキッド 天空魔城 (2) おそ松 くん はちゃめちゃ劇場 獣王記 スーパーサンダーブレード メガドライブ ...
GAME大宝庫 裏技宝典 メガドライブ. DJボーイ. ◇DJボーイが動かない ゲームを 最初から始め、オープニングでデモでマリアが「HELP ME」と叫ぶシーンになったら、 右 か左を連打する。 すると、通常なら追いかけていくはずの自キャラが動かない。 ...
DJボーイ T2 ザ・アーケードゲーム T.M.N.T.トーナメントファイターズ T.M.N.T.リターン ...
掘り出し物満載! 中古ゲーム ストアと、 輸入版ゲーム ストアと、 廉価版ゲーム ストアがおすすめ◆◆◆ ... レビュー対象商品: DJボーイ MD 【メガドライブ】 (Video Game). 小汚い格好をした少年が戦うゲーム. DJというが格好がDJ風なだけで同じDJ風の ...
メガドライブ「DJボーイ」【中古】が、 →743円(税抜)!品数豊富&安心のスーパー ポテトで!!
MD DJボーイ【中古】【メガドライブ】 MD T.M.N.T.リターン オブ ザ シュレッダー【 中古】【メガド ...
2011年3月25日 ... MD DJボーイ DJBOY (メガドラカセットのみ) 【AK猫】-【楽天オークション】:MD メガドラ ★★入札前に自己紹介をお読みください★★ ■■ゲーム内容に関する質問は ひやかしと判断して削除します■■●商品説明 SEGA メガドライブ用 ...
eu gostei do super jogo da vida
スーパー人生ゲーム2 - レトロゲームDB · 11 years ago
Hi, hope u have time to visit my channel to checkout my new animation on Contra, Thanks :)
コントラ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
スーパーマリオブラザーズ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
レトロゲーム関連情報をいち早くお届け! レトロゲームDB公式ツイッターです、是非フォローしてください。