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アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説

アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説はライトスタッフから発売されたPCエンジン向けゲームソフト。価格は8300円。


PCエンジン末期のRPG『アルナムの牙』のオープニング。クッ、ケンブを連れて行くと言った時点で、今後の展開が読めてしまう・・・クソ長い(約1時間)ので4つに分けてアップします。戦闘の音楽は好きだけど、こう頻繁にエンカウントするんじゃ・・・ねぇ。しかし、この戦闘の合体攻撃のフォーメーションはいま見るとやばいな。OP動画:オウケンさんのフラグの結果は2 → sm812695 タムタム焼きは3 → sm818322 マリエーン様は4 → sm818493

PCエンジン アルナム 森川智之 速水奨 木村明広 アルナムの牙 ライトスタッフ RPG ゲームOP

エンディング3、大団円の回です。このお話はこれでおしまい。ご視聴ありがとうございました。へっぽこUP主で恐縮です。 追記:えと、色々ご質問戴いておりますが、ワタクシは単なるオールドゲーマーですので、裏設定等は存じ上げません、ごめんなさい!ご存じの方は是非、書き込んであげてください~! その60→sm5542626 マイリスト→mylist/8850130 追記:negi様がアルナムの翼プレイ動画を上げてくださっています!mylist/12727000

プレイ動画 アルナムの牙 アルナム PCエンジン 木村明広 ライトスタッフ アルナムの翼→sm7152125


笑える星矢シリーズ まだ若い28歳 28歳≠おっちゃん マドモアゼル☆シャカ 大塚ご夫婦 失礼なシベリア師弟

Original Air Date: November 12th 2009 Alnam no Kiba: Juuzoku Juunishinto Densetsu [ アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説] or Fang of Alnam for short is a strange top-down RPG from Right Stuff a company who is known for linking animals and various aspects of nature into many/all of their games. They are responsible for such games such as Battle Tycoon (Flash Hiders SFX) and Blue Forest Story. I kinda liked Battle Tycoon for the SNES/SFC but I hadn’t really played any of RS’ other games. However I was intrigued enough to purchase a few other RS games. This game doesn’t look like anything remarkable but I will say this for the hour or so I spent sampling this game for video purposes I’d say about half of it was anime cutscenes. That can be a good or bad thing...in this case it’s good. The voice overs are good and the characters look ’tough’ in the typical Right Stuff way. Men look tough boys look tough like men animals are tough girls are tough...it’s pretty cool. The character designs are pretty cool too and the cutscenes are acted out very well...and have real BLOOD...not the pink stuff green stuff or white stuff. It’s blood. This actually surprised me a fair deal coming from the more cartoony and silly Battle Tycoon...however the game still does seem to possess some of the cartoony humor that was evident in BT. First few anime scenes are awesome. Basically speaking the game deals with a 17 year old boy named Kenbu who has the power to change into a demi-human b.../b

Alnam no Kiba Juuzoku Juunishinto Densetsu

Original Air Date: November 12th 2009 Alnam no Kiba: Juuzoku Juunishinto Densetsu [ アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説] or Fang of Alnam for short is a strange top-down RPG from Right Stuff a company who is known for linking animals and various aspects of nature into many/all of their games. They are responsible for such games such as Battle Tycoon (Flash Hiders SFX) and Blue Forest Story. I kinda liked Battle Tycoon for the SNES/SFC but I hadn’t really played any of RS’ other games. However I was intrigued enough to purchase a few other RS games. This game doesn’t look like anything remarkable but I will say this for the hour or so I spent sampling this game for video purposes I’d say about half of it was anime cutscenes. That can be a good or bad thing...in this case it’s good. The voice overs are good and the characters look ’tough’ in the typical Right Stuff way. Men look tough boys look tough like men animals are tough girls are tough...it’s pretty cool. The character designs are pretty cool too and the cutscenes are acted out very well...and have real BLOOD...not the pink stuff green stuff or white stuff. It’s blood. This actually surprised me a fair deal coming from the more cartoony and silly Battle Tycoon...however the game still does seem to possess some of the cartoony humor that was evident in BT. First few anime scenes are awesome. After the first video Kenbu and Ouken enter the forest. There are a few weak enemies and you can gain a couple of b.../b

Alnam no Kiba Juuzoku Juunishinto Densetsu

Original Air Date: November 13th 2009 A note about this video: There was a pointless town segment prior to this where you walk around meeting various characters that are central to the story. In this game each important character represents a different animal. Long story short once you meet each character (except for one who represents a dragon) you must enter a temple and meet a majestic and beautiful woman named Marieen. Basically speaking she enlists the help of special people like Kenbu shape-shifters who can morph into an animal form. She hopes that the people she has grouped together can help to stop a mysterious threat of new demons terrorizing the land. The people are as follows with name and age: Kenbu - Wolf. I’ve talked a bit about Kenbu before. He’s 17. After the death of Ouken he’s a lot more quiet (he tends to speak in his head before speaking out loud as shown in this video). Due to that incident he’s become somewhat weak-willed but he is trying to find his way and become as great a fighter as Ouken was. However what Kenbu doesn’t realize is that Ouken was smiling as he was dying...because Ouken knows that Kenbu is destined to become better than he was...Kenbu just doesn’t realize it...yet. Toei - Rabbit. Girl next to Kenbu. She is a happy-go-lucky girl who is also very polite. As you may expect she tends to stay close to Kenbu because Kenbu is the same age. She deeply worries about Kenbu because after the death of Ouken he tends to keep to b.../b

Alnam no Kiba Juuzoku Juunishinto Densetsu

Original Air Date: November 14th 2009 Alnam no Kiba is a strange...and...eh. It’s strange. The game is certainly playable but it isn’t very exciting and the main draw of the game is its awesome character design and voice acting. The first thing that probably turns some people off is the very unappealing visuals. The game looks very NES-ish in terms of spritework and while there are a few decent effects such as flowing water the game doesn’t really look like anything special. Spell effects are primitive and the Turbo CD was capable of better than this. However the game puts the CD media to decent use in the sound department. There are a lot of anime cutscenes with quality audio and spoken dialogue. The music is clear and some tunes are pretty nice to listen to. The gameplay from what I’ve played of the game is a mixed bag. You can kill enemies and gain EXP. points but you don’t immediately get money from killing enemies. Instead you must visit a kind of ’pay-out center’ to get money rewards from Lady Marieen. The amount varies depending on how many enemies you kill and what kinds of enemies you kill. Mage characters can learn spells by leveling up and they vary from typical healing attack defense etc. Characters can also perform team-up attacks that costs each character some MP. While it sounds awesome it’s very simplified and the team-up attacks are purely on a ’who is paired together’ fashion not something like Chrono trigger where Marle and Crono can do one b.../b

Alnam no Kiba Juuzoku Juunishinto Densetsu

Original Air Date: November 13th 2009 A note about this video: There was a pointless town segment prior to this where you walk around meeting various characters that are central to the story. In this game each important character represents a different animal. Long story short once you meet each character (except for one who represents a dragon) you must enter a temple and meet a majestic and beautiful woman named Marieen. Basically speaking she enlists the help of special people like Kenbu shape-shifters who can morph into an animal form. She hopes that the people she has grouped together can help to stop a mysterious threat of new demons terrorizing the land. The people are as follows with name and age: Kenbu - Wolf. I’ve talked a bit about Kenbu before. He’s 17. After the death of Ouken he’s a lot more quiet (he tends to speak in his head before speaking out loud as shown in this video). Due to that incident he’s become somewhat weak-willed but he is trying to find his way and become as great a fighter as Ouken was. However what Kenbu doesn’t realize is that Ouken was smiling as he was dying...because Ouken knows that Kenbu is destined to become better than he was...Kenbu just doesn’t realize it...yet. Toei - Rabbit. Girl next to Kenbu. She is a happy-go-lucky girl who is also very polite. As you may expect she tends to stay close to Kenbu because Kenbu is the same age. She deeply worries about Kenbu because after the death of Ouken he tends to keep to b.../b

Alnam no Kiba Juuzoku Juunishinto Densetsu


ゲームオープニング opening OP PS

アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説 PCエンジンパラダイス. 攻略ガイド データ(12) ... マップ攻略 データ(123) 泉の効果・キャラ作成 ... コズミックファンタジー 4 銀河少年伝説 突入編 PCエンジンパラダイス. 攻略ガイド ...


アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説 PCエンジンパラダイス. 攻略ガイド データ(12 ...

アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説

2006年6月13日 ... アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説 ... エンカウント率が高く、強敵よ ...

クソゲーまとめ @ ウィキ - アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説

アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説. 【あるなむのきば じゅうぞくじゅうにしんとでんせつ 】. 注意:ここでは『アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説』の原作(PCE)版と、リメイク( PS)版の二つについて紹介しています。PCE版はクソゲー判定、PS版は微妙リメイク ...

クソゲーまとめ @ ウィキ - アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説

アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説. 【あるなむのきば じゅうぞくじゅうにしんとでんせつ 】. 注意:ここでは『アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説』の原作(PCE)版と、リメイク( PS)版の二つについて紹介しています。PCE版はクソゲー判定、PS版は微妙リメイク ...

アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説 - Wikipedia

『アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説』(あるなむのきば じゅうぞくじゅうにしんとでん せつ)はライトスタッフから発売された日本のゲームソフト。 ... これはPCエンジン版 のジャケットイラスト(十二神徒が描かれている)と差別化を計ったものと思われる。 ...

アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説とは - Weblio辞書

2010年4月16日 ... アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説とは? 『アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説』(あるな むのきば じゅうぞくじゅうにしんとでんせつ)はライトスタッフから発売された日本の ゲームソフト。[続きの解説]「アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説」の続き ...

雀神伝説とは - Weblio辞書

2010年1月17日 ... PCエンジン用ソフト アルナムの牙 獣族十二神徒伝説 ドラゴンスピリ ...


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