sonsonii sonson2 sonson PC Engine pcengine Turbografx Capcom
This game is an action platform game from fan favorite Capcom based on the same chinese story/legend as that infamous cartoon series Dragonball and it’s various spin offs. It is the sequel to the original Son Son game (which was a relatively simplistic NES game as well it was in japanese arcades). Anyways it’s a great game and in many ways actually feels like a lighthearted and fast paced Castlevania game.
Son II PC Engine Gaming
All BGM’s from Son Son II for the PC Engine. Another great soundtrack from the same people responsible for the music of Megaman/Rockman 1-2
Son II PC Engine Turbografx16 Japan NEC Capcom
SonSon II TAS (Tool Assisted Speedrun)
sonson II TAS (Tool Assisted Speedrun)
if you’re living outside of Japan likely you may have never heard of this Capcom game (actually it was NEC) on the PC Engine (Japanese Turbografx 16). Stage 3 rearranged with Megaman 7/Rockman 7 samples.
Son II ソンソンII PC Engine PCエンジン Turbografx 16
Stage 6 BGM Covered on FL Studio 9 with Rockman/Megaman 7 instruments.