風邪治ったんで上げますね~。え~とひとつ注意を、前回が荒らされて、その後撮ったものなので主が不機嫌なために声やら発言やらに暴力的なところがあります。ちゃんと聞いてくれてた方には申し訳ないです。前回は遊び過ぎでしね。ほどほどにしとこうと思ってますよ。ただ…そこまで言うか?って感じだけど。前:sm7722116 次:sm7800340 マイリスト:mylist/13603388
謎の女プリーストが仲間に。べホマラーとリレミトが使える便利なヤツだけど攻撃魔法はイラネ。part6→sm3211264 part8→sm3260111
三階に突入し早々におつかいイベ。フェアリーかわいい。part5→sm3155198 part7→sm3234284
elfのドラゴンナイト2 DOS版オープニングです。DOSゲーOP mylist/14610188 ドラゴンナイト3OP/sm8181086 ドラゴンナイト4OP/sm8181354
プロローグ終了まで。 ほとんどジジイとの話part1→sm3098080 part3→sm3108801
女神の塔1F レベル上げはカットしてます。レベル5まで上げないと探索するのはきついです。宝箱・・銅の剣(X06:Y02)次>sm11919497ドラゴンナイトマイリスト>mylist/20788867
ドラゴンナイト4のPC-FX版です。主人公カケルが、最初の村でセイルを仲間に加えます。なお、カケルがスケート移動してますが、通常はカケルの足は高速に上下して動きます。次は sm8238173戻る sm8231859マイリスト mylist/14713854
人気PCゲームのPC-FX移植版です。97年製です。最初にストーリーがビジュアル入りで説明されて、長々と続きます。続きは、sm8236268マイリスト mylist/14713854下欄の登録タグのゲーム機が複数ある件ですが、視聴者様の見たいゲーム機動画(例えば、PS版)が見つからない場合でも、本PC-FX版を気づき易くさせるためにPSなど複数のタグを付けてます。またPC-98タグについては、WINDOWS版、PC-98版、X68000版、FM-TOWNS版などをプレイした方が、(PC-FXを知らなくても)PC-98で検索した際に本動画を発見できれば都合がいいでしょう。PCエンジンはドラゴンナイトシリーズが移植済で関連するのでタグ付けしてます。
PC-FX版ドラゴンナイト4です。謎の男エトが現れた後、最初の戦闘です。謎の女ネレイドもエロい登場をします。次は sm8239534戻る sm8236268マイリスト mylist/14713854
Original Air Date: August 21st 2009 This is one of three videos for Dragon Knight II which is part of a series of Eroge RPG or ’Hentai RPGs’ some more different that others. The introduction was edited to only keep the relevent portions. It’s largely uneventful and boring so if you’re not interested I’d skip both and watch this instead. As far as these games go it was a fairly popular but fairly unremarkable series that was kept almost entirely in Japan. However one game in the series was released in the US in English known as ’Knights of Xentar’ (which is based on the Japanese Dragon Knight III which is arguably the best in the series). It was released with two versions. The first was the regular DOS game and the second was the game reinvented on a CD with nearly everything being fully voiced in English and slightly more graphic although buying a copy is rare these days as the CD game was released in very limited quantities and a good complete copy can go for about $100. This game is more or less a pretty ordinary dungeon crawler that’s rather basic. In this game you play as Takeru Yamato a young adventurer who just seems to want a warm bed and a hot babe but always finds himself getting swept up in matters of grave importance. On his travels he wanders into the land of Strawberry Fields which is ordinarily a pleasant place with beautiful women abound but it has been swept by an evil curse which hasn’t terrified the land for 300 years. An evil sorceress b.../b
Original Air Date: August 20th 2009 This is one of three videos for Dragon Knight II which is part of a series of Eroge RPG or ’Hentai RPGs’ some more different that others. The introduction was edited to only keep the relevent portions. It’s largely uneventful and boring so if you’re not interested I’d skip both and just wait for the game sample. As far as these games go it was a fairly popular but fairly unremarkable series that was kept almost entirely in Japan. However one game in the series was released in the US in English known as ’Knights of Xentar’ (which is based on the Japanese Dragon Knight III which is arguably the best in the series). It was released with two versions. The first was the regular DOS game and the second was the game reinvented on a CD with nearly everything being fully voiced in English and slightly more graphic although buying a copy is rare these days as the CD game was released in very limited quantities and a good complete copy can go for about $100. This game is more or less a pretty ordinary dungeon crawler that’s rather basic. In this game you play as Takeru Yamato a young adventurer who just seems to want a warm bed and a hot babe but always finds himself getting swept up in matters of grave importance. On his travels he wanders into the land of Strawberry Fields which is ordinarily a pleasant place with beautiful women abound but it has been swept by an evil curse which hasn’t terrified the land for 300 years. An evil b.../b
Original Air Date: August 21st 2009 This is one of three videos for Dragon Knight II which is part of a series of Eroge RPG or ’Hentai RPGs’ some more different that others. The introduction was edited to only keep the relevent portions. It’s largely uneventful and boring so if you’re not interested I’d skip both and just wait for the game sample. As far as these games go it was a fairly popular but fairly unremarkable series that was kept almost entirely in Japan. However one game in the series was released in the US in English known as ’Knights of Xentar’ (which is based on the Japanese Dragon Knight III which is arguably the best in the series). It was released with two versions. The first was the regular DOS game and the second was the game reinvented on a CD with nearly everything being fully voiced in English and slightly more graphic although buying a copy is rare these days as the CD game was released in very limited quantities and a good complete copy can go for about $100. This game is more or less a pretty ordinary dungeon crawler that’s rather basic. In this game you play as Takeru Yamato a young adventurer who just seems to want a warm bed and a hot babe but always finds himself getting swept up in matters of grave importance. On his travels he wanders into the land of Strawberry Fields which is ordinarily a pleasant place with beautiful women abound but it has been swept by an evil curse which hasn’t terrified the land for 300 years. An evil b.../b
撮影日 2009年4月30日使用機種 PCエンジンコアグラフィックス使用TV サンヨー製ブラウン管テレビこのプレイ動画では、サウンドセレクト及び縦長画面モードにて、時間の都合上ステージ3の途中まで収録。 サウンドセレクトタイトル画面にて←→↓↑セレクト←の順で押下縦長画面モードタイトル画面にてセレクト押しながらランを57回押下
JOIN PLEASE! (NEW COMMUNITY!) s4.zetaboards.com I will most likely do another Dragon Knight 4 video but it will be based on the SNES version. Dragon Knight 4 Complete Music File / ドラゴンナイト4/コンプリート・ミュージック・ファイル / Dragon Knight 4 Complete Music File ドラゴンナイト4/コンプリート・ミュージック・ファイルPublished by NEC Avenue / NEC Avenue (distributed by Columbia / 日本コロムビア株式会社) Composed by Masaki Sugo Yoichi Shimizu Tsuyoshi Fukutomi
my second amv for dk anime and as in the first one i used music from suidakra.hf/qq/thx
2008年4月25日 ... 家庭用ゲーム機初のエロゲ移植(だったと思う)プロローグ前半まで...
2008年5月8日 ... 謎の女プリーストが仲間に。べホマラーとリレミトが使える便利なヤ...
2008年5月6日 ... 三階に突入し早々におつかいイベ。フェアリーかわいい。part5 ...
2005年4月6日 ... ドラゴンナイト3. Dragon Knight3. 媒体:PCエンジン SUPER CD-ROM 製作:NEC アベニュー 発売日:1994年7月22日 定価:7800円 ... ここから下の部分に は攻略の性質上、ゲームの内容を含んでる文章が含まれています。 ...
掘り出し物満載! 中古ゲーム ストアと、 輸入版ゲーム ストアと、 廉価版ゲーム ストアがおすすめ◆◆◆ ... レビュー対象商品: ドラゴンナイト2 【PCエンジン】 ( Video Game). 当時パソコンを持っていなかったので、ドキドキしてやったものです。 ...
掘り出し物満載! 中古ゲーム ストアと、 輸入版ゲーム ストアと、 廉価版ゲーム ストア ...
この商品を買った人はこんな商品も買っています. ページ: / (最初に戻る). 前に戻る. ドラ ...
Amazon.co.jp: ドラゴンナイト3 【PCエンジン】: 関連商品を見る. ... ステレオAV ケーブル (メガドライブ1/PCエンジン/ネオジオ用) Video Game ... 風の伝説 ザナドゥ2 【PCエンジン】 スーパーリアル麻雀スペシャル 【PCエンジン】 Video Game ...
eu gostei do super jogo da vida
スーパー人生ゲーム2 - レトロゲームDB · 11 years ago
Hi, hope u have time to visit my channel to checkout my new animation on Contra, Thanks :)
コントラ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
スーパーマリオブラザーズ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
レトロゲーム関連情報をいち早くお届け! レトロゲームDB公式ツイッターです、是非フォローしてください。