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NECアベニュー プレイ動画 神谷明 PCEゲームプレイPart1リンク

 女神の塔1F レベル上げはカットしてます。レベル5まで上げないと探索するのはきついです。宝箱・・銅の剣(X06:Y02)次>sm11919497ドラゴンナイトマイリスト>mylist/20788867

elfのドラゴンナイト2 DOS版オープニングです。DOSゲーOP mylist/14610188 ドラゴンナイト3OP/sm8181086 ドラゴンナイト4OP/sm8181354


人気PCゲームのPC-FX移植版です。97年製です。最初にストーリーがビジュアル入りで説明されて、長々と続きます。続きは、sm8236268マイリスト mylist/14713854下欄の登録タグのゲーム機が複数ある件ですが、視聴者様の見たいゲーム機動画(例えば、PS版)が見つからない場合でも、本PC-FX版を気づき易くさせるためにPSなど複数のタグを付けてます。またPC-98タグについては、WINDOWS版、PC-98版、X68000版、FM-TOWNS版などをプレイした方が、(PC-FXを知らなくても)PC-98で検索した際に本動画を発見できれば都合がいいでしょう。PCエンジンはドラゴンナイトシリーズが移植済で関連するのでタグ付けしてます。

elf ゲームプレイPart1リンク ギャルゲーpart1リンク エロゲ始めからリンク NECアベニュー

PC-FX版ドラゴンナイト4です。謎の男エトが現れた後、最初の戦闘です。謎の女ネレイドもエロい登場をします。次は sm8239534戻る sm8236268マイリスト mylist/14713854

PC-FX エルフ シミュレーションRPG pc-98 pcエンジン 郷里大輔 ドラゴンナイト ドラゴンナイト4 置鮎龍太郎


神谷明 銀河万丈 塩沢兼人 elf PCEゲームプレイPart1リンク NECアベニュー

ドラゴンナイト4のPC-FX版です。主人公カケルが、最初の村でセイルを仲間に加えます。なお、カケルがスケート移動してますが、通常はカケルの足は高速に上下して動きます。次は sm8238173戻る sm8231859マイリスト mylist/14713854

シミュレーションRPG 緒方恵美 銀河万丈

PC-FX版ドラゴンナイト4です。戦闘2回目です。その他、新キャラのカロン、ネプチューン、ナターシャなどが登場します。次は sm8242024戻る sm8238173マイリスト mylist/14713854

シミュレーションRPG pc-98 pcエンジン 住友優子 銀河万丈

謎の女プリーストが仲間に。べホマラーとリレミトが使える便利なヤツだけど攻撃魔法はイラネ。part6→sm3211264 part8→sm3260111

島本須美 浅田葉子

PC-FX版ドラゴンナイト4です。2周目(エト編)の、ユリシーズとラトビアの街のイベントです。また、戦闘は1周目と同じものが多いので省略します。次のトリアノン村 sm8400802戻る sm8377298マイリスト mylist/14713854

シミュレーションRPG pcエンジン

Original Air Date: August 21st 2009 This is one of three videos for Dragon Knight II which is part of a series of Eroge RPG or ’Hentai RPGs’ some more different that others. The introduction was edited to only keep the relevent portions. It’s largely uneventful and boring so if you’re not interested I’d skip both and watch this instead. As far as these games go it was a fairly popular but fairly unremarkable series that was kept almost entirely in Japan. However one game in the series was released in the US in English known as ’Knights of Xentar’ (which is based on the Japanese Dragon Knight III which is arguably the best in the series). It was released with two versions. The first was the regular DOS game and the second was the game reinvented on a CD with nearly everything being fully voiced in English and slightly more graphic although buying a copy is rare these days as the CD game was released in very limited quantities and a good complete copy can go for about $100. This game is more or less a pretty ordinary dungeon crawler that’s rather basic. In this game you play as Takeru Yamato a young adventurer who just seems to want a warm bed and a hot babe but always finds himself getting swept up in matters of grave importance. On his travels he wanders into the land of Strawberry Fields which is ordinarily a pleasant place with beautiful women abound but it has been swept by an evil curse which hasn’t terrified the land for 300 years. An evil sorceress b.../b

Dragon Knight Two ドラゴンナイト2 turbografx Turbo CD Super

Original Air Date: August 20th 2009 This is one of three videos for Dragon Knight II which is part of a series of Eroge RPG or ’Hentai RPGs’ some more different that others. The introduction was edited to only keep the relevent portions. It’s largely uneventful and boring so if you’re not interested I’d skip both and just wait for the game sample. As far as these games go it was a fairly popular but fairly unremarkable series that was kept almost entirely in Japan. However one game in the series was released in the US in English known as ’Knights of Xentar’ (which is based on the Japanese Dragon Knight III which is arguably the best in the series). It was released with two versions. The first was the regular DOS game and the second was the game reinvented on a CD with nearly everything being fully voiced in English and slightly more graphic although buying a copy is rare these days as the CD game was released in very limited quantities and a good complete copy can go for about $100. This game is more or less a pretty ordinary dungeon crawler that’s rather basic. In this game you play as Takeru Yamato a young adventurer who just seems to want a warm bed and a hot babe but always finds himself getting swept up in matters of grave importance. On his travels he wanders into the land of Strawberry Fields which is ordinarily a pleasant place with beautiful women abound but it has been swept by an evil curse which hasn’t terrified the land for 300 years. An evil b.../b

Dragon Knight Two Introduction ドラゴンナイト2 turbografx Turbo CD

Original Air Date: August 21st 2009 This is one of three videos for Dragon Knight II which is part of a series of Eroge RPG or ’Hentai RPGs’ some more different that others. The introduction was edited to only keep the relevent portions. It’s largely uneventful and boring so if you’re not interested I’d skip both and just wait for the game sample. As far as these games go it was a fairly popular but fairly unremarkable series that was kept almost entirely in Japan. However one game in the series was released in the US in English known as ’Knights of Xentar’ (which is based on the Japanese Dragon Knight III which is arguably the best in the series). It was released with two versions. The first was the regular DOS game and the second was the game reinvented on a CD with nearly everything being fully voiced in English and slightly more graphic although buying a copy is rare these days as the CD game was released in very limited quantities and a good complete copy can go for about $100. This game is more or less a pretty ordinary dungeon crawler that’s rather basic. In this game you play as Takeru Yamato a young adventurer who just seems to want a warm bed and a hot babe but always finds himself getting swept up in matters of grave importance. On his travels he wanders into the land of Strawberry Fields which is ordinarily a pleasant place with beautiful women abound but it has been swept by an evil curse which hasn’t terrified the land for 300 years. An evil b.../b

Dragon Knight Two Introduction ドラゴンナイト2 turbografx Turbo CD

The developer didn’t compress the text so it was just a matter of using a hex editor and replacing the Japanese text (encoded in Shift-JIS) with English. However the game would crash whenever I tried to use half-width characters (2 half-width characters can fit into 1 Japanese character which would have made for a better translation). So I had to use full-width characters which limited the amount of characters I could use severely and I had to cut about 50% of the text out. I stopped a few scenes into the introduction ’cause I didn’t think I could continue with this restraint. There are two scenes in this video. 1: Partial introduction. I know I didn’t translate one of the lines shown in the video. You can find the full introduction of the remix translated on youtube. 2. Town menu and battle commands. ’Hurt’ is actually called ’Attack Magic’ in the Japanese version but because I only had 5 or so characters of space I Dragon Warrior’d it to ’Hurt.’ elf didn’t compress Dragon Knight II’s text too but they did compress Dragon Knight III’s and Dragon Knight 4’s (highly recommended!). Emulator used: Neko Project II.

Dragon Knight ドラゴンナイト

Selected scenes from the classic hentai game Dragon Knight 4. The scenes are a comparison between the original PC-98 version and the Windows version.

Dragon Knight PC98 Windows ドラゴンナイト4

my second amv for dk anime and as in the first one i used music from suidakra.hf/qq/thx

dk suidakra xwris salio productions dragon knight amv

Opening theme of the PC version of Dragon Knight 4. Ripped straight out of the PC version. Amazing and heroic.

Dragon Knight Dragon Knight 4 take the offensive


サイレントヒル3 サイレントヒル silent hill ps2 ホラーゲーム


サイレントヒル3 サイレントヒル silent hill ps2 ホラーゲーム
【PCE】ドラゴンナイトⅡ攻略します part1 ‐ ニコニコ動画(原宿)

2008年4月25日 ... 【PCE】ドラゴンナイトⅡ攻略します part1 ... ドラゴンナイト2 【PCエンジン】 RIOT ¥ -- 1人が購入. ニコニコ市場へ アイジーエス ドラゴンナイト3 【PCエンジン】 アイジーエス ...

【PCE】ドラゴンナイトⅡ攻略します part7 ‐ ニコニコ動画(原宿)

2008年5月8日 ... 【PCE】ドラゴンナイトⅡ攻略します part7 ... ゲーム PCエンジン ドラゴンナイトⅡ プレイ動画 島本須美 浅田葉子. この動画をご覧いただくにはニコニコ動画アカウントが 必要です。 ... ドラゴンナイト2 【PCエンジン】 ...

PCエンジン 攻略サイト た行

PCエンジンの攻略サイト た行を紹介しています. ... ドラゴンスレイヤー 英雄伝説2. 伝電虫[でんでんむし★]. ドラゴンナイト2. PCエンジン. ドラゴンナイト3. PCエンジン 勢いだけのHP. とらべらーず. PCエンジン ...

GameGameLand -攻略リンクサイト3-

SS MD NEOGEO PCE WS MSXのゲーム攻略サイトを紹介しています. ... と - (PCE) ドラゴンスレイヤー 英雄伝説 ドラゴンスレイヤー 英雄伝説2 ドラゴンナイト2 ドラゴンナイト3 とらべらーず - な - (PCE) ならず者戦闘部隊ブラッディウルフ - に - (PCE) ...

Amazon.co.jp: ドラゴンナイトグラフィティ 【PCエンジン】: ゲーム

Amazon.co.jp: ドラゴンナイトグラフィティ 【PCエンジン】: ゲーム. ... させて いただく場合がございます。予めご了承願います。 ◆◆◆ 掘り出し物満載! 中古 ゲーム ストアと、 輸入版ゲーム ストアと、 廉価版ゲーム ストアがおすすめ◆◆◆ ...

Amazon.co.jp: ドラゴンナイト2 【PCエンジン】: ゲーム

掘り出し物満載! 中古ゲーム ストアと、 輸入版ゲーム ストアと、 廉価版ゲーム ストア ...

Amazon.co.jp: ドラゴンナイトグラフィティ 【PCエンジン】: 関連商品 ...

Amazon.co.jp: ドラゴンナイトグラフィティ 【PCエンジン】: 関連商品を見る. ...


ドラゴンナイト&グラフィティのグラフィティモードを持ってきました噂どおり無駄に エロいRPGです。でも戦闘シーンやダンジョンなどそれなりにうまく作っていると思い ます。そのうち通常プレイ画像も入れますプロフィールやメッセージも一緒に読めば ...


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