the final instalment of bomberman on the pc engine. This one was also released on the genesis as mega bomberman. Compared to the other 2 HUcard bomberman games imo I thought the BGM’s were pretty weak here since they not using samples.
pcエンジン pc engine hudsonsoft bomberman
PCエンジン PCE ポポローグ
Some bits here and there of pc engine’s first bomberman game and one of hudson Soft’s first bomberman games to feature the 5 player battle mode! Oh the japanese cover art is really basic and simple but the american box cover imo is just attrocious!
pcエンジン pc engine bomberman hudson soft
Well guys my old laptop is finally kaput and I’ve just purchased a new one. What I didn’t realize was that I got a camera in it so I decided to make a spur of the moment vid about a gaming console I acquired 2 weeks ago....the PC-Engine Core Grafx! Please watch rate comment share and most of all ENJOY! Thanks for watching ^__^ Music is by T-Square from their 20th Anniversary TV Concert in 1998 playing their 1984 hit ’Night Dreamer’ LIVE! (Thanks fenikon and JJ) Also please check out the following channels for more on the PC-Engine and YouTube’s awesome retrogaming community as a whole:
PCエンジン NEC PC-Engine Core Grafx hucard PC-Genjin PC原人2