改造町人シュビビンマン 12 1. Marginal power 2. Mastery 3. Hometown 4. Veracious narrative 5. Commission 6. Geologic time 7. Intangible wall 8. Waif’s Song 9. Fatty 10. Clear 11. Over 12. Marginal power (rearrange version) 13. Commission (rearrange version)
田口洋 四元久 PC-Engine TG-16 ガブリンサウンド soundtrack
PCエンジン PC Engine あすか120% マキシマ
Released in the West as Shockman this is ’Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman’ 2. Tasuke and Kyapiko are back! An unknown empire lead by an emperor called Ryo is plotting to take over the world this is revealed after Doc is kidnapped. Not only that but a mysterious duo of villains possessing powers similar to the Schbibinman have appeared. These two Alter Schbibinman are Jeeta and Mue are out to destroy Tasuke and Kyapiko. Only managed first few levels of this megaman-esque game.
shockman shubibinman pcエンジン pc engine
1994 NAXAT SOFT PC Engine Super CD-ROM2 風霧OP-Stage2
kazekiri kaze-kiri pc-engine pce naxat ninja action game
NCS/Masiya started life on NEC’s pc engine(you might have played NCS other games like Gynoug cybernator and Langrisser’s). This is Shubibinman 1(aka schbibinman)one of masiya’s early games. Tasuke and Kyapiko two school kids (who are androids) built by a crazy scientist called Doc. Together they battle the evil forces of Dark Skull and free civilians. The sequel made it to the USA as Shockman for the Turbografx-16. The 3rd game released on the pc engines SUPER CD-Rom is hailed as one of the best in the series and a 4th game was made for the super famicom which was only available to download via the sattelite thingy.
shubibinman shockman pcエンジン pc engine ncs masiya
改造町人シュビビンマン 12 1. 改造町人シュビビンマン 2. Come back again 3. Cool down 4. Transmission 5. Doom 6. Star light magic 7. Irregular 8. Japanism 9. ZERO 10. fire away 11. ENDLESS 12. Soul taker 13. I’m in white 14. Emergency call 15. Heavy Heavy Heavy !! 16. boy-hood 17. 敵基地内部18. GameOver 19. Next Time 20. fire away ~ ENDLESS (rearrange version) 21. 改造町人シュビビンマン ~ Next Time (rearrange version)