EDばかり録画してたテープの最後に入ってましたw まあ、なんというか、西村知美なんですよね~。ゲームの方は今で言うところの「萌え」の対象には・・・ならなかったかな?(汗
Original Air Date: May 23rd 2009 Faerie Dust Story: MnE (or Faerie Dust Story: 迷宮のエルフィーネ) is actually one of the rarer games for the system though it’s not valuable. It’s also one of the few Japanese games in the CD-Rom2 format and not the Super CD-Rom2 format. What this means is that you can play this game on a stock TurboGrafx-CD system and play it without any modifications to your system so long as it can play CDs and has a system card 2.0. This is the introduction to Faerie Dust Story: Meikyuu no Elfeene (Elfeane according to the game’s visual debugger) which consist of the intro and a song as well as the real life person who is portrayed in anime style going on a magical adventure in this game. The real-life person in question is Tomomi Nishimura (西村知美 Nishimura Tomomi) who was a rising star at the time and had a game made after her where she is put in a fantasy world trying to solve the denizen’s problems with intelligence and kindness. She is particularly famous for her singing voice roles in anime and Karakuri TV (hence the combination here and introductory song that is only played the very first time unless you erase your system data). She also has ties with Toshiba-EMI whom she works for from time to time. We’ll say more in gameplay. The song btw kicks ass. They could have just had words on a screen and took the lazy way out but I admire how they tried to make her dance and do choreography. The beat and sound of her voice during the b.../b
Original Air Date: May 23rd 2009 OK so we’re back with part two of Faerie Dust Story. What’s it about? Well we kinda discussed that in the introduction. What kind of game is this? Well the case says it’s an RPG as well as many different websites but I can tell you that it’s an RPG in one the most loose or literal senses A roleplaying game where you take the role of a female. Otherwise this game is much more of an adventure game with mini-games inbetween. The main thing you’ll be doing in the game is going around solving people’s problems and finding clues on how to return to your world. In the beginning you’re sorting through Antonio and Lue’s love ordeal (The ant and fairy) and trying to stop the goblins from attacking the villagers and spreading mischief across Faerie Land. You’ll basically be going back and forth to gather items from people to progress further and you’ll get a good deal of cutscenes too. Needless to say this game is about building an attachment to the characters and the plot as well as indulge fans of Tomomi Nishimura since they get to see her in an alternate reality. The mini-games are also kinda fun. There are four of them. The first is Driving which reminds me of both Namco’s Pac-Man and Rally-X. The second is Block which is basically your standard Breakout or Arkanoid clone. Next you have Quiz which has you answering questions with a twist. You’ll answer a smart aleck robot’s questions by first analyzing your options and then playing b.../b
【中古】PCE CD-ROM2ソフト迷宮のエルフィーネ(15時までのご注文は即日発送!土・日 ・祝も休… ... とにかく特価!赤字覚悟ッス! トレカ流行ってます!ヴァイス・遊戯 いっぱいあるよ. トレーディングカード. レトロ攻略本もあります! 攻略本 ...
迷宮のエルフィーネ. 日本テレネット. LASERソフト. 1990-07-06. ADV. CD-ROM^2. 6780 円. 解説. 裏技. ビジュアルセレクト」 タイトル画面で、方向キーの ... 村玉メモ. 攻略リンク PCエンジンパラダイス Minor Game Laboratory. 攻略本. 移植情報 ...
迷宮のエルフィーネ 日本テレネット 90/7/6 CD-ROM2 6780 ★★★ 20.75. 西村 知美を主役にしたアドベンチャー。 購入済み。 ラスタン・サーガII タイトー .... グラフィックも美しく、より戦略的になったステージ攻略も面白い。アニメ演出と アクションゲームがほどよく融合した一本といえる。詳しくはこちら。 ... F1ブームに 乗って大ヒット作となり、PCエンジンにおける累計では最も数が売れたシリーズと言 われる。 ...
迷宮のエルフィーネ. ADV●1990.7.6●CD. 日本テレネット/レーザーソフト. ★ About ★ ファンタジーワールド とろりんワールド. ★★★ Review ★★★. クレイジー ホスピタル. ADV●????.??.??●CD ??? ★ About ★ 女の子紹介 女の子攻略 ...
ファミコン・スーパーファミコン満載!新作からレトロまで何でも揃うゲームショップ! ゲーム買うならGAME77!
【新品】迷宮のエルフィーネ. 対応機種: PCエンジンCD-ROM(PCECD) ジャンル: アドベン ...
楽天市場-中古市場「アドベンチャー」検索結果-「おもちゃ・ホビー・ゲーム テレビ ゲーム PC ...
楽天市場-中古市場「アドベンチャー」検索結果-「テレビゲーム PC-Engine ソフト」 ジャンルの ...
eu gostei do super jogo da vida
スーパー人生ゲーム2 - レトロゲームDB · 11 years ago
Hi, hope u have time to visit my channel to checkout my new animation on Contra, Thanks :)
コントラ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
スーパーマリオブラザーズ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
レトロゲーム関連情報をいち早くお届け! レトロゲームDB公式ツイッターです、是非フォローしてください。