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ゲームプレイ動画 課長

1992年発売のGB版プリンスオブペルシャです!ちょっくらジャファー倒しに行ってきます※今回SEが大きめです。次回から改善されますのでよろしくお願いしますLevel.02→sm12730582  進行中RPG実況→sm10429469  前作GB実況→sm12093817マイリスト→mylist/22045682 Part1まとめ→mylist/17782319ブログ→http://orzrocket.blog37.fc2.com


こんにちわ。nickomack申します。  1コントローラーで多数のゲームをプレイする動画を見て感動し、どれほど難しいのかGB・FCのプリンスオブペルシャでやってみました。    結果:人間辞めれませんでした。へたれで申し訳ない。   mylist/10599583

プリンスオブペルシャ すれ違い 剣心 アラジン 人間辞めれませんでしたシリーズ 仕方ないね

Prince of Persia for the GB is just one of maaaaany many many many ports/conversions of the original classic 1989 Apple II masterpiece created by Jordan Mechner. Most who play PoP these days think of the 3D games and the movie and aren’t at all aware that the game was very different back in the late 80s. If you’ve played the 3D games then one would wonder how you could ever enjoy this game with it’s ’precise but unusual’ control scheme and almost non-existent music but it wasn’t released so many times because it sucked right? I have quite a few ports of the original game (GB GBC Gen SNES GG SCD etc.) This Red Orb Entertainment port is okay it’s generally about what you’d expect with no real improvements or adjustments and a few mostly minor downgrades (like the audio...I’m surprised Tommy Tallarico adapted it). The sword fights in this game seem more rigged than some of the other versions too (sometimes when the enemy steps in your hero stands there like an idiot until he is stabbed) but hey you have an in-game hour to complete the game so you might as well make the most of it and learn how to control your hero. The animations are still great to look at and the story is like the rest. Speaking of the story I’ll give you the run-down. In the sultan’s absence the grand vizier Jaffar rules with the iron fist of tyranny. Just one obstacle remains between Jaffar and the throne: the sultan’s beautiful young daughter. Jaffar wishes for the princess to marry b.../b

Prince Persia Game Boy Color GB GBC Jordan

Review of Prince of Persia for the Nintendo Gameboy.

prince of persia review gb game boy gameboy


ファミコン スーパーファミコン ゲームボーイ プリペル ゲームセンターCX フジテレビスカパー 24時間生放送 よゐこ

Very short gameplay!


Second part of the speddrun on prince of persia SoT for gameboy advanced - Total time: 1 h 13 min - No save/load state used - This is a gameboy advanced version of the game Prince of Persia Sands of Time it looks like the ’prince of persia’ for Snes but it have more puzzles more enemies to kill (because some doors only open after all of them are defeated) and u can control time (like the play2 game) - There are some upgrades for prince on the game but I just left them behind so I could go faster oh and some hits were necessary unfortunently to save time - Anyway I hope u guys enjoy the run remembering that this is a speed run not a perfect run

prince of persia sands time advanced speed run

The third part of mine speed run at prince of persia SoT for gameboy advanced - Total time: 1 h 13 min - No save/load state used - This is a gameboy advanced version of the game Prince of Persia Sands of Time it looks like the ’prince of persia’ for Snes but it have more puzzles more enemies to kill (because some doors only open after all of them are defeated) and u can control time (like the play2 game) - There are some upgrades for prince on the game but I just left them behind so I could go faster oh and some hits were necessary unfortunently to save time - Anyway I hope u guys enjoy the run remembering that this is a speed run not a perfect run

prince persia sands of time speed run

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Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands is the next chapter in the fan-favorite Sands of Time universe. Visiting his brother’s kingdom following his adventure in Azad the Prince finds the royal palace under siege from a mighty army bent on its destruction. When the decision is made to use the ancient power of the Sand in a desperate gamble to save the kingdom from total annihilation the Prince will embark on an epicadventure in which he will learn to bear the mantle of true leadership and discover that great power often comes with a great cost. Minimum Configuration Operating System: Windows® XP Windows Vista® Windows® 7 (only) Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel® Pentium® D dual core processor or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+ RAM: 1 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® - Windows 7® Video Card: 256 MB DirectX® 10.0--compliant video card or DirectX 9.0--compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list)* Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0--compliant sound card DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c or higher libraries (included on disc) DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Peripherals: Keyboard Windows-compliant mouse optional controller Internet Connection: A permanent internet connection is required to play the game Recommended configuration Processor: Intel Core® 2 Duo 22 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or higher Video Card: GeForce® 8800 GT or ATI Radeon® HD X1900 or better Sound Card: 5.1 sound card Peripherals: Xbox 360® for Windows game controller

Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands PC Gameplay

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TAS動画まとめ @ ウィキ - GBA プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ 時間の砂

わんぱくダック夢冒険 7分6秒で攻略(TAS) FC わんぱくダック夢冒険. 2011-02-21. 【TAS】サガフロンティア エミリア編 26:00:35 ... 海外タイトル Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (GBA版は国内未発売) 発売日 2003/11/21 動画を追加 ...

レトロゲーム攻略ポータル - GB/は行

+ GB. GB攻略 ... ハイパーオリンピックシリーズ トラックフィールドGB ハイパー ブラックバスハイ ...


ファミ通から出ていた攻略本を買ったのですが、十二分に遊んだせいか新たに知った テクニックは余りありませんでした。 ... ファミコン版PRINCE OF PERSIA ●発売元: 不明 ●パスワード・コンティニュー ●特徴:内容、画質共にゲームボーイ版とそっくり ...

プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ 【ゲームボーイ・アクション】【中古】の ...

プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ 【ゲームボーイ・アクション】【中古】のゲーム画面、 プリンス・オブ・ペルシャ 【ゲームボーイ・アクション】【中古】をプレイした みんなの感想レビューを掲載中.

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