This is a review of Monopoly made by Sculptured Software and released on Game Boy in December 1991. Please watch! I OWN NOTHING IN THIS VIDEO except for the film footage and all the effort it took to make this video. Please rate comment If you enjoyed this video please share it with your friends and family. I’d really appreciate it. :) ======================================== Commentary Notes: Man has it ever been a long time. 5 months... That’s the longest I’ve gone without doing a review. Spring was really busy this year I barely had time for much anything. Either way I finally put together another review so what’s done is done. I hope you all enjoy this one. It’s not my best but I think it’s pretty good anyway.
This is the tune that plays while you are in game in Monopoly on the gameboy advance. I don’t own copyrights to this of course I just put it up for people to listen to.
Trailer for Takara’s Gameboy Advance game EX Monopoly released in june 2001.
Part 1 Gameplay
GB NG ~ Wanna .. Eh ( 1 Luv Productions ) ♥♫ Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian please Even if in winter things tend to freeze We’ve got the world monopoly on trees And our country’s bordered by three different seas Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian please We invented the zipper we’ve got expertise We made insulin to combat disease Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian please CHORUS Brits have got the monarchy The US has the money But I know that you wanna be Canadian The French have got the wine and cheese Koalas chill with the Aussies But I know that you wanna be Canadian ( French ) Et si ce n’était pas assez On a deux langues officielles: L’anglais et le français Ooh la la Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian please Where else do you find mounted police Or go to the hospital and not pay fees Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian please And when freshwater is in high demand We’ve got the world’s largest supply on hand So you know that we could make a pretty good friend But it’s even better if you can be... CHORUS So you’re thinking to yourself ’How do I live in this beautiful country?’ Well we’ve got some steps for you to follow... STEP 1: Lose the gun STEP 2: Buy a canoe STEP 3: Live multiculturally STEP 4: You’re ready there is no more! We got beavers caribou and moose We got buffalos bears and Canadian goose And we’re sorry about Celine Dion But she did do that good song for James Cameron... CHORUS Brits have got the monarchy The US has b.../b
www.youtube.com Click above to watch Modern Warfare 2 rap! Dan Bull - Generation Gaming (Epic Gaming History Rap) The king of British geek rap Dan Bull tells the complete history of his life in gaming from the Nintendo Game Boy via the PC and PlayStation 2 right up to the Xbox 360. Two decades of intense gaming nostalgia packed into four minutes. Director’s Channel: www.youtube.com Dan Bull on Twitter: http:www.twitter.com/itsDanBull Dan Bull on Facebook: www.facebook.com Dan Bull on MySpace: www.myspace.com Dan’s website: www.itsdanbull.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima http Inside Gaming twitter.com Machinima Respawn twitter.com Machinima Entertainment Technology Culture twitter.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY GO TO: www.youtube.com TAGS: Dan Bull Generation Gaming douglby Xbox 360 PlayStation 2 PS2 PC Game Boy yt:quality=high Nintendo Game Boy Gameboy monopoly chess pokemon tetras mario land world double dragon popeye kirby mickey mouse windows microsoft sim city warcraft dark forces civilization x wing tie fighter gta lair croft tomb raider doom tony hawk grand theft auto silent hill WWF Smackdown Call Duty Final Fantasy FF Metal Gear FIFA lego guitar hero bioshock hitman mass effect splinter cell modern warfare assassins creed
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