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KOF SNK タカラ ゲームボーイ KOF’96 移植 sm1893721 熱闘

帰省中に地元で発掘したGBCのKOF ’96、神器チームでのCPU戦ダイジェストです。なにげにネオジオCD版と若干異なるエンディングとなっています。タカラだけあってゲーム部分はしょっぱい出来ですが、BGMは案外頑張ってますね。全戦収録の高画質版はこちら。ttp://stage6.divx.com/user/samchay_stage6/video/1214312/GBC-Nettou-The-King-of-Fighters-’96

熱闘 KOF96 ゲームボーイ ガイブレイン ゲームED


KOF TAKARA 熱闘 ゲームボーイ KOF’96 熱闘KOF スーパーゲームボーイ 実機プレイ動画 ガイブレイン


ゲームボーイ TAKARA KOF96 ちづるとKAGURAは同じ用法で バグを利用するのが勝利のカギ KOF SNK 格闘ゲーム

Me playing The King of Fighters ’96 the game only came out in japan which is a shame since it is a lot better than kof 95

The King of Fighters ’96 SNK takara nintendo

動画サイト【風来日記】 www42.tok2.com (他のシリーズも楽しみたい人はぜひ) [発売順に紹介] ONI 5 隠忍を継ぐ者 THE LION KING ギャラガギャラクシアン DONKEY KONG LAND ストリートファイター2 ドラゴンボールZ 悟空激闘伝 POWER RANGERS NBA JAM MORTAL KOMBAT 3 熱闘 闘神伝 熱闘 KOF’95 ボンバーマン コレクション 熱闘 サムライスピリッツ 斬紅郎無双剣 風来のシレンGB 月影村の怪物 DONKEY KONG LAND 2 ぽけっと ぷよぷよ通 熱闘 KOF’96 トランプコレクションGB 桃太郎電鉄jr. 全国ラーメンめぐりの巻 ドラゴンクエスト モンスターズ テリーのワンダーランド ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島 DX ドラゴンクエスト1.2 夜光虫 GB ぽけっとぷよぷよ~ん ドラゴンクエスト3 そして伝説へ... 桃太郎伝説1→2 ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎの木の実 大地の章 ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎの木の実 時空の章 ドラゴンクエスト モンスターズ2 マルタのふしぎな鍵 ルカの旅立ち ストリートファイターALPHA ドラゴンクエスト モンスターズ2 マルタのふしぎな鍵 イルの冒険 風来のシレンGB2 砂漠の魔城 ドラゴンボールZ 伝説の超戦士たち (計33タイトル) スーパーゲームボーイ 13色対応

ゲーム GB ゲームボーイ スーパーゲームボーイ2 13色対応 ONI ドンキーコング ストリートファイター

Original Air Date: April 8th 2009 This is a strange but rather cool and uncommon pirate cart that merges characters from King of Fighters ’95 GB and ’96 GB into one game although the design is mostly from KoF96. However a few characters seem to be missing such as Goenitz Mr. Karate and Eiji but it’s an impressive roster nonetheless. We found this at a Cash Convertors one day years ago. It’s funny because it’s in a black case that says ’Game Amy’ where Game Boy is supposed to be on the cart and its label uses the cover art of the Neo Geo AES version of KoF97. It has Blue Mary (Mary Ryan) on it and she’s not even in this game! XD You access a whole nother set of characters by hitting start. There is also a rom of this game on the net. Interestingly the people who ’made’ this even developed a Super Game Boy background for it but the game seems to crash after it loads up on real hardware so we played the game on a Game Boy Player. We recorded it so folks could see what it looked like at the end of the video. This video just contains a few fights and junk. Enjoy.

Nettou King Fighters ’95 ’96 ’97 Pirate Game

Original AIr Date: May 8th 2009 This is a pretty cool game though I think ’96 (and the phony ’97 we made a video for) are better in pacing and such though this game seems just a smidge more challenging. I’m digging the SGB background on here yes indeed. Whenever I go through my GB games if it’s SGB (Super Game Boy) compatible we’ll play it in a SGB with rare exceptions. This video shows Eiji (who wasn’t in the ’97 game) Rugal and Yuri fighting. I somewhat regret picking team battle since it takes up more time. It would have been easier just using transitions to get a full battle for each character. Anyhoo enjoy.

King of Fighters 95 1995 SNK Takara Super

I honestly played nor heard of this game before but from what ecthelionv2 told me its the sequel of the KOF 95 game but just like that one its doesn’t have everyone. Though there is one team on this game the ’96 Boss Team: Mr.Big Wolfgang Krauser and the main villain himeself Geese Howard. I’m doing this to reward MightyKombat he knows why I’m rewarding im :p

King the Fighters ’96 Heat of Battle

gameboy version of king of fighters

king of fighters gameboy

Iori Yagami’s theme from KOF96 on gameboy. He later became a special guest in the gameboy version of Real Bout Fatal Fury Special and used the same theme.

Yagami SNK Nintendo Takara

This game has an usual special fight. Depending on which you use there will be another fight after the Goenitz battle here are some teams: Kyo Iori Chizuru (Weapons of God) | Kyo Chizuru X Orochi Iori Iori Mature Leona (Orochi Assassins) | Iori Mature X Orochi Leona Terry Andy Geese (Vendetta Team) | Terry Andy X Geese Ryo Robert Mr. Big (Art of Fighting) | Ryo Robert X Big Geese Krauser Big (Villians Team) | Krauser Big X Geese Depending on who defeat Goenitz you’ll use that person or persons against your own team members. For example if you’re playing with the Sacred Treasures Team and you defeat Goenitz with Iori then you’ll fight against Kyo and Chizuru with Iori in his Orochi form. Though I should mention this this video got a bit of desync in it sorry

Super Mario Bros All-Stars (SNES)

The next two teams I’ll be using go ole and mighty Geese in this video. Glad to see that this game managed to it best with the Geese vs Terry Pre-Fight intro.

Geese Howard is an awesome badass villian

Game Name(游戏名称):The King of Fighters 96 Music Style (音乐风格): Cosmopolitan Eumlator(仿真器) :Sony Playstation 1 Stage(阶段): Vice Mature IORI sound quality (音质): 16 bit

music Gameboy Advance Super Snes Nintendo NES NDS

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