Thanks for listening it ^^ Have you heard this tune ? This tune is ’gadhurin’theme for SNES. Probablynot selled it in your country is it ? I just a thought. Anyway I tried on it with my new play style.I recorded once and mixed another melody next.Perphas it’s my imaginationbut I feel Touhou flavor in the latter... ありがとうございます。 一応満足出来たのでFINAL.verです。 後半は一回目の演奏にスパイスを加えて見ました。まだ未熟者ですがまたお立ち寄り頂ける様頑張って練習します(^u^)
This is a great RPG for the super fami and also one of the originals for it as well. Also known as TimelordR this is a game that would be worth picking up for sure.
gadurin super famicom retro collections classic console gaming