Just when I thought I knew or heard about basically every Super Famicom game ever I came across this game a few months ago while perusing eBay. What is it? A falling object puzzle game. Awesome right? No not awesome. I bought the game for a few bucks because I didn’t think it would be easy to find complete any time soon but I can see why nobody really knows or talks about it the game kinda sucks. Made by a little-known outfit called Carrozzeria Japan the game is a needlessly convoluted puzzle game brimming with mediocrity and it feels more like you’re taking a math test than playing a really fun puzzler. At a glance one would wonder what the hell you even do in the game but I’ll explain the basic idea. First however I’ll discuss the overall presentation. For starters you wouldn’t believe that this is an SFC game made in 1995 its simplistic presentation and ho-hum soundtrack don’t even seem like they’d fit in amongst the launch titles of the system. Don’t get me wrong simplicity can sometimes look and be amazing (if you want an example check out SFC’s ’Wagyan Paradise’ a Namco title in a series long tailored to a young demographic primarily young children) but this game has uninspired written all over it. There’s less than a dozen tunes and a lot of them aren’t even ’music’ more like short underwhelming ditties. The gameplay is relatively original but it’s far too involved for a game like this especially when the pace of the computer becomes pretty b.../b
Join Paulskee hittin the illest 21+ HIPHOP JAMS coast to coast rockin the most @ NYCs own The Go Off featuring cameos w/ DJ Skeme Richards Teknyc company then taking ya out West to the grand finale of San Franciscos baddest get down Flava Of The Month w/ the Triple Threat DJs featuring cameos by DJ Apollo DJ Shortkut FranBoogie Cros1 more!
So this is SFC. A crazy idea I had when I couldn’t play ’cause I cut a finger. A lot of work but it was worthy doing it! Great job everyone! I invited You Tube Slash fans from all around the globe to play a Tribute on his honor because Slash is a huge influence for many guitar players including ourselves. We don’t just love his music and guitar playing but also feeling and style while playing. One of the best guitar tones ever! Really cool! I made a blues backing track (bass and drum) and I send to people who accept my invitation to be part of it. I asked all the players for a LEAD part and a RHYTHM part. When I contacted people the most important thing I asked was to: ’You must put all your emotion and heart on your guitar playing part’. Here’s the result and I hope you’ll all enjoy it. Please visit the You Tube Channels of SFC members tosee them playing more: www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br www.youtube.com.br I’d like to thank all SFC members to have accepted my invitation to be part on this project even those who didn’t have time to make their videos. There will be more jams! Thanks for watching See you all on the next jam! Rock on... ups... Blues on !!!! PuroMojo See you for the next jam!
A SFC game I picked up not too long ago along with some other titles Asameshimae Nyanko is basically a lot like ’Riversi’ (or Othello if you prefer)... except a lot cuter... and with fights that are similar to rock-paper-scissors to intercept additional moves... and with cats... lots and lots of cats that have different proficiency with vertical/horizontal and diagonal moves... did I mention it has cats and that it’s cute? It was published by Zamuse and developed by the group known as J-Force a little-known developer who made a few other games such as the RPG gem ’Nekketsu Tairiku Burning Heroes’ (published by Enix) and Granhistoria before quietly disappearing around 1996. One of the major heads of Wolf Team lead J-Force. While they primarily made SNES/SFC games their last involvement in video games was with Dragon Force on the Sega Saturn which they had to pass development over due to bankruptcy and abandonment of the project (it’s sort of a miracle that development on Dragon Force continued). J-Force was founded in 1990 but didn’t do much until several years later. Asameshimae Nyanko was one of their first games. In the game you play a Riversi-esque game and get to choose a number of stages to play on the type of cat you want to use and you can change the rules and settings to an extent. It’s red versus blue with a random player going first. As you would in Riversi or Othello sandwich cats vertically horizontally or diagonally (though since the game is b.../b
Silvertide jams out to California Rain at the Newport Music Hall in Columbus Ohio.
I made this video with this year’s motto to kick our rally off right before our band jams!
It’s in my school’s Army JROTC program. He cranks up the boombox and jams then the whole class follows along
Messy Marv (born Marvin Watson) is a rapper from the Fillmore District of San Francisco California. Note: The opinions expressed in this video are not those of PTBTV and/or its affiliates. Marvin claims to not have taken rap seriously when his first record Messy Situationz which was released in 1996. It sold only 15000 units but lead to the collaboration with fellow Fillmore rapper and cousin San Quinn to record their classic album Explosive Mode in 1997 which has sold over 50000 copies. Though introduced to the rap life Messy was still living out of his car ’doing very bad things’ as he states it. It was at this point that his cousin San Quinn took him in so he could clean up. Messy Marv has admitted to being a cocaine dealer and abuser he states it was inherited to him. He is known to comment on his mothers cocaine addiction in many songs but he has not confirmed that it had anything to do with his own substance abuse. Despite being recognized as a classic hit in the bay area he was unable to leave his criminal life behind and this finally caught up to him in 2001 when jumping out of a fourth floor window he broke both his legs crushed his foot and lost a lot of blood.[clarify] In one of his video from the Still Explosive album of 2001 he can be seen exiting the hospital in a wheel chair he was confined to this wheelchair for 6 months before he could walk again. During this time he actually continued to perform on stage. Since his near brush with death he has b.../b
Midways classic arcade NBA franchise! When this game was converterd to the Megadrive and SNES I just had to have it. Really addictive fast paced gameplay (like most of Midways sports series I love them all) and tons of fun with 2 or more players. Boomshakalaka indeed! Video hit from GoNintendo: gonintendo.com
Unofficial anthem of this years’ 3FM Serious Request!
ジャムズ. 1995年2月10日 カロッツェリアジャパンスーパーファミコン パズル 難易度: ★★★☆☆ 名作度:★★☆☆☆ クソゲー度:★★☆☆☆ | コメント(0). ジャムズ. (c )カロッツェリアジャパン. トップに戻る ...
SFC(スーパーファミコン Super Famicom スーファミ) 1995年. 1995年のスーファミ ソフト一覧をチェック! .... このような趣旨で作成しているサイトですので、『 ジャムズ』のゲーム攻略情報(ダンジョンマップ・アイテム一覧・シナリオの ...
SFC(スーパーファミコン Super Famicom スーファミ) 1994年. 1994年のスーファミ ソフト一覧を ...
SFC(スーパーファミコン Super Famicom スーファミ) 1995年. 1995年のスーファミ ソフト一覧を ...
自己紹介欄に、取引や評価のスケジュールを掲示してあります。入札前に必ずご一読 下さい。商品の詳細タイトル・説明ジャムズ対応機種SFC(スーパーファミコン)状態年 相応・中古ソフト(細かい状態については画像参照)【初期動作確認済み】発送方法◆補償 ...
中古入札前に必ず自己紹介をご覧ください. ... 早期終了 : あり. 自動延長 : あ ...
SFC(スーパーファミコン Super Famicom スーファミ) 1995年. 1995年のスーファミ ソフト一覧をチェック! ★ ゲームソフトの買い方 ★ インターネットでゲームソフトを 購入する方法を紹介します。 中古ゲームも手軽に買うことができます。 ...
eu gostei do super jogo da vida
スーパー人生ゲーム2 - レトロゲームDB · 11 years ago
Hi, hope u have time to visit my channel to checkout my new animation on Contra, Thanks :)
コントラ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
スーパーマリオブラザーズ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
レトロゲーム関連情報をいち早くお届け! レトロゲームDB公式ツイッターです、是非フォローしてください。