Sprinter Monogatari: Mezase!! Ikkaku Senkin Sprinter Monogatari: Mezase Ikkaku Sennkinn JAPANESE TITLE : スプリンター物語 めざせ!! 一攫千金競輪 1995年3月17日発売 バップSFC - SUPER FAMICOM - SNES - SUPER NINTENDO - スーパーファミコンMORE INFO ::: en.wikipedia.org www.super-famicom.jp en.wikipedia.org www.gamefaqs.com
スーパー競輪 (’Super Bike Race’) 競輪 1995年7月14日発売 アイマックスSuper Keirin (スーパー競輪) is a Japan-exclusive video game that allows players to become cyclists. The shopping district is where gamers go to get their supplies for the next cycling race. Before each race players has the ability to buy supplies from a drug store a 24-hour variety store and a clothing store for a certain amount of yen per purchase. Interaction with non-player characters is possible while at the shopping district. There are nine competitors and five laps in a typical race. Every track that can be raced on using a bicycle is an velodrome with four superelevated turns that are typical in most velodromes. Riders are not always traveling at full speed or at a specific radius making a balance between aggressive riding and passive riding a must. All information for particular race is viewable on an information bank that is included with the racing action. Players must choose between story and party modes and can also bet on themselves and others for virtual money. This game uses cute anime-style graphics stating that the premise of the game is less serious than other Super NES cycling video games. MORE INFO ::: en.wikipedia.org superfamicom.org www.super-famicom.jp www.gamefaqs.com
Ippatsu Gyakuten!! Keiba Keirin Kyoutei for the Super Famicom 一発逆転!! 競馬・競輪・競艇一発逆転!! 競馬・競輪・競艇プランニングオフィスワダ(パウ) / Planning Office WADA(POW) / Eleca ギャンブル 1996年4月26日発売 POW SHVC-AUMJ-JPN 1996-04-26 Sports / Various MORE INFO ::: en.wikipedia.org www.super-famicom.jp superfamicom.org www.gamefaqs.com
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スプリンター物語~めざせ一攫千金~. 競輪の選手を育成していくシュミレーション どうすれば ...
□■ top SFC DATA す □■. スプリンター物語~めざせ一攫千金~. 競輪 1995年3 月17日発売 バップ. 投稿お待ちしております。 攻略情報. レビュー. TOPにもどる.
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eu gostei do super jogo da vida
スーパー人生ゲーム2 - レトロゲームDB · 11 years ago
Hi, hope u have time to visit my channel to checkout my new animation on Contra, Thanks :)
コントラ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
スーパーマリオブラザーズ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
レトロゲーム関連情報をいち早くお届け! レトロゲームDB公式ツイッターです、是非フォローしてください。