思い出のゲームに出会える レトロゲーム情報サイト




What you see is the first part of footage from a Japanese Super Famicom (the Japanese Super Nintendo) pre-release prototype of The Simpsons: Virtual Bart game. Why is it Japanese? The ROM header states that it’s ’run’ on Japanese systems or something like that. There are lots of differences in this prototype that are between large and small and this video goes into detail what’s in the prototype. Levels featured are the Pig Bart and Post-Apocalypse / Doomsday Bart stages. They’re not too different Pig Bart stage has different item placement as well as some different level design. Also the ending scene for Doomsday Bart is different. Mostly just cosmetic differences. The rest will come soon. Enjoy!

The Simpsons Virtual Bart Japan Jap prototype Beta

What you see is the second part of footage from a Japanese Super Famicom (the Japanese Super Nintendo) pre-release prototype of The Simpsons: Virtual Bart game. Why is it Japanese? The ROM header states that it’s ’run’ on Japanese systems or something like that. There are lots of differences in this prototype that are between large and small and this video goes into detail what’s in the prototype. Level featured is the Baby Bart stage. Again not too different sans god-ugly intro. Its actually a little harder here. The rest will come soon. Enjoy!

The Simpsons Virtual Bart Japan Jap prototype Beta

What you see is the third part of footage from a Japanese Super Famicom (the Japanese Super Nintendo) pre-release prototype of The Simpsons: Virtual Bart game. Why is it Japanese? The ROM header states that it’s ’run’ on Japanese systems or something like that. There are lots of differences in this prototype that are between large and small and this video goes into detail what’s in the prototype. Level featured is the Dino Bart stage. There are a lot of differences there level designs are totally different color pallete is different too and Homer appear much more often here. Its actually a little harder here too. Also different intro and alternate ending. Enjoy.

The Simpsons Virtual Bart Japan Jap prototype Beta

What you see is the fourth part of footage from a Japanese Super Famicom (the Japanese Super Nintendo) pre-release prototype of The Simpsons: Virtual Bart game. Why is it Japanese? The ROM header states that it’s ’run’ on Japanese systems or something like that. There are lots of differences in this prototype that are between large and small and this video goes into detail what’s in the prototype. Part 4 is a continuation of the Dino Bart stage. Again there are a lot of differences there level designs are totally different color pallete is different too and Homer appears much more often here. Its actually a little harder here too. Also different intro and alternate ending.

The Simpsons Virtual Bart Japan Jap prototype Beta

What you see is the fifth part of footage from a Japanese Super Famicom (the Japanese Super Nintendo) pre-release prototype of The Simpsons: Virtual Bart game. Why is it Japanese? The ROM header states that it’s ’run’ on Japanese systems or something like that. There are lots of differences in this prototype that are between large and small and this video goes into detail what’s in the prototype. Level featured is the Mt. Splashmore stage. Once again not very different at all sans ugly Bart model in the intro and ugly animation for the cut-scenes. Also slightly different sound effects. You do oddly get a 1UP here at the very end. Brain notes: FINALLY! I was ready to tear off someone’s balls. You know YouTube is really to piss the hell off of me with its uploader. XC This video file was about 1.2GB (The limit is now 2GB. Yay...) and 5 minutes. But YT’s uploader decides to cut the video to 4:42 minutes (just like all my previous uploads). Effectively cutting out the ending of this video which actually isn’t important at all really. But I still wanted to add closure to these series of VB Prototype videos. Ending was the same as the final with no audio. Then I added some SFX that didn’t have anything to do with nothing. Just thought I’d point that out. Thankfully I sorted out this problem in the end.

The Simpsons Virtual Bart Japan Jap prototype Beta

What you see is the fifth part of footage from a Japanese Super Famicom (the Japanese Super Nintendo) pre-release prototype of The Simpsons: Virtual Bart game. Why is it Japanese? The ROM header states that it’s ’run’ on Japanese systems or something like that. There are lots of differences in this prototype that are between large and small and this video goes into detail what’s in the prototype. The final level featured is finally the Sniper Bart (Tomato throwing) stage. Once again not very different at all sans ugly Bart model in the intro and ugly animation for the cut-scenes. Also slightly different sound effects. You do oddly get a 1UP here at the very end. Brain notes: FINALLY! I was ready to tear off someone’s balls. You know YouTube is really to piss the hell off of me with its uploader. XC This video file was about 1.2GB (The limit is now 2GB. Yay...) and 5 minutes. But YT’s uploader decides to cut the video to 4:42 minutes (just like all my previous uploads). Effectively cutting out the ending of this video which actually isn’t important at all really. But I still wanted to add closure to these series of VB Prototype videos. Ending was the same as the final with no audio. Then I added some SFX that didn’t have anything to do with nothing. Just thought I’d point that out. Thankfully I sorted out this problem in the end.

The Simpsons Virtual Bart Japan Jap prototype Beta

Welcome to the first part of my third ever PEMNAS Playthrough. This month’s game is the particular licensed Simpsons game Virtual Bart (SNES version). Not that shitty Genesis/Mega Drive port. I honestly think this game is a bit underrated I enjoyed it quite a bit when I was a young lad so I took the liberty of doing a PEMNAS series for the game! Enjoy! Also PEMNAS stands for ’PLEASE EXCUSE MY NOOB ASS SKILLS’. I invented the term myself.

The Simpsons Virtual Bart SNES Super Nintendo Famicom

Welcome to the fourth part of my third ever PEMNAS Playthrough. This month’s game is the particular licensed Simpsons game Virtual Bart (SNES version). Not that shitty Genesis/Mega Drive port. I honestly think this game is a bit underrated I enjoyed it quite a bit when I was a young lad so I took the liberty of doing a PEMNAS series for the game! Enjoy! Also PEMNAS stands for ’PLEASE EXCUSE MY NOOB ASS SKILLS’. I invented the term myself.

The Simpsons Virtual Bart video game SNES version

Welcome to the eighth part of my third ever PEMNAS Playthrough. This month’s game is the particular licensed Simpsons game Virtual Bart (SNES version). Not that shitty Genesis/Mega Drive port. I honestly think this game is a bit underrated I enjoyed it quite a bit when I was a young lad so I took the liberty of doing a PEMNAS series for the game! Enjoy! Also PEMNAS stands for ’PLEASE EXCUSE MY NOOB ASS SKILLS’. I invented the term myself.

The Simpsons Virtual Bart video game SNES version

Welcome to the fifth part of my third ever PEMNAS Playthrough. This month’s game is the particular licensed Simpsons game Virtual Bart (SNES version). Not that shitty Genesis/Mega Drive port. I honestly think this game is a bit underrated I enjoyed it quite a bit when I was a young lad so I took the liberty of doing a PEMNAS series for the game! Enjoy! Also PEMNAS stands for ’PLEASE EXCUSE MY NOOB ASS SKILLS’. I invented the term myself.

The Simpsons Virtual Bart video game SNES version
スーパーファミコンソフト バーチャルバート・名作SFCを販売・通販買取 ...

スーパーファミコンソフト、 バーチャルバートを販売、SFCカセット通販でもう一度、 スーファミ! ... 当時の思い出がありありと思い出されるファミコンや スーパーファミコン、ニンテンドウ64、ゲームボーイをもう一度遊んでみませんか? ... ファミコンディスクカード ファミコン攻略本 スーパーファミコンソフト ...

バーチャルバート|クソゲー レビュー 動画 攻略|アクレイムジャパン ...

1994年9月30日 ... バーチャルバート 懐ゲー ファミコン スーパーファミコン スーファミ アーケード クソゲー 笑ゲー レビュー 動画 神プレイ. 懐ゲー ファミコン スーパーファミコン スーファミ アーケード ...

『バーチャルバート』のページ - ゲームソフト情報局 -

SFC(スーパーファミコン Super Famicom スーファミ) 1994年. 1994年のスーファミ ソフト一覧をチェック! .... このような趣旨で作成しているサイトですので、『 バーチャルバート』のゲーム攻略情報(ダンジョンマップ・アイテム一覧・シナリオの ...


□■ top SFC DATA は □■. バーチャルバート. アクション 1994年9月30日発売 アクレイム ジャパン. 投稿お待ちしております。 動画. 攻略情報. レビュー. TOPに もどる.

スーパーファミコンソフト バーチャルバート・名作SFCを販売・通販買取 ...

スーパーファミコンソフト、 バーチャルバートを販売、SFCカセット通販でもう一度、 スーファミ!【ファミコンショップお宝王】では、レトロゲーム販売、中古ゲームソフト の買取、電池交換を行っております。ACアダプタや本体・コントローラー。

スーパーファミコン||ソフト・通販・販売 中古SFC【ファミコンショップ ...

バーチャルバート. 1280円. 希望小売価格:9800円 ... ファミコン通販 中古 ディスク システム 販売 ニンテンドウ64・ゲーム買取 . ゲームボーイカラー・アドバンス 電池 交換 FC SFC 海外ゲーム. All Rights Copyright (C) 2007 A S U Co.Ltd Reserved. ...

バーチャルバート - 中古 メガドライブ : スーパーポテト

メガドライブ「バーチャルバート」【中古】が、 →35886円(税抜)!品数豊富&安心の スーパーポテトで!! ... ファミコン通販・プレステ通販・中古ゲーム通販といえば「 秋葉原レトロ館」でおなじみのスーパーポテト! ファミコン・スーファミ・プレステ・ ...

『バーチャルバート』のページ - ゲームソフト情報局 -

インターネットでゲームソフトを購入する方法を紹介します。 中古ゲームも手軽に買う ことができます。 ... ファミコンの初期(1984年)に発売された任天堂のクルクル ランドもかなりやり込んだゲームの1つです。 .... このような趣旨で作成している サイトですので、『バーチャルバート』のゲーム攻略情報(ダンジョンマップ・アイテム 一覧・ ...


  • 1552天下大乱
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  • 2011.06.03
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