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SFC 実況プレイ動画 レンダリングレンジャーR2 実況プレイpart1リンク プレミアゲー レアゲー 洋ゲー
song music action snesost original sound track snes

After you destroy that stationary base prepare to fight TWO mid-bosses before facing the proper boss. Luckily they’re all easy. This level is LONG. Gotta love that green shot! It sprays itself all over the field.

Rendering Ranger R2 SNES Super Nintendo Famicom Contra

Re-upload and re-edit of my videos about the rare Super Nintendo classic Rendering Ranger R² by grandmaster Manfred Trenz. Originally uploaded in 2008 because back then there were only a few clips but no series of videos that showed the complete game. Cubex55 uploaded a longplay on R² this march played by T-0815 which is in really good quality - I’d recommend to check it out because they did a great job. Anyway I’ve decided to delete the old version of my R² longplay because I wasn’t really satisfied with the quality especially the audio was out of sync on my first edit and aspect ratio wasn’t perfect. On the re-edit I’ve skipped the part in which I showed the setup + cart box manual etc. The videos are captured from the original game not from an emulation. These videos are not to show some kinda special gaming skills or great highscores. Anyway I´m really out of training or maybe too old for games that fast. You will notice especially in stage 7 and 8 - both went pretty bad for me so I had to try several times restarting level by password to get a more or less good capture. PastGlory’s getting old -) Part 1: Title screen options menu highscores and stage 1 Part 2: Stage 2 Part 3: Stage 3 Part 4: Stage 4 Part 5: Stage 5a Part 6: Stage 5b Part 7: Stage 6 Part 8: Stage 7 Part 9: Stage 8a Part 10: Stage 8b You are here - Part 11: Stage 9 Part 12: End title credits highscore entry and screenshot of my best score from ~2002 Hope those of You who are interested b.../b

Rendering Ranger R² Super Famicom Nintendo SNES Rainbow

¿Buen juego? No... ULTRA JUEGAZO sería lo correcto. Dedicado al master Saigononindou. Os presento una de las joyas de Super Famicom / SNES más escondidas pero mejor hechas y mas gloriosas. Este juego combina las dos virtudes mayores Shoot ’em Up y Plataformas. El juego se parece a estos títulos: - Saga Turrican (sobre todo a Super Turrican 2) - Contra - Xain’D Sleena - Zero Wing - Raiga: Strato Fighter Sus gráficos utilizan la técnica prerender que le sienta de maravilla. (Este juego vale más de 1000 dólares...). Sobre las fases Shoot ’em Up solamente puedo agregar que representan el climax técnico y gráfico de cualquier Shmup de la consola 100% garantizado. Ojalá fueran todos así de potentes. Tremendo no os lo perdais. Un gran saludo a todos.

Rendering Ranger R2 r² squared SFC Comentado gameplay

This video was originally hosted by another Youtube user who has a deleted account. I was going to work with him to get more game footage but I lost contact with him when his account was deactivated. It was a shame to see this video disappear so I’m uploading it from a mirror site. There were other videos so if you’re out there and you have these downloaded let me know and I can host them. I’m a Super Famicom import enthusiast. Check out my Anime Super Famicom Web Resource Center at stevethefish.net/superfamicom. These are Super Famicom games that were never released in North America on the SNES. Here are the games listed and their viewing times: ---- Appleseed (0:00-0:03) Slayers (0:03-0:10) Ace wo Nerae! (0:10-0:14) Sangokushi - Eiketsu Den (0:14-0:21) Seiken Densetsu 3 (0:21-0:25) Super VG (0:25-0:30) Shin Megami Tensei (0:30-0:39) Battle Pinball (0:39-0:43) Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku Soudatsusen (0:43-0:51) Mystery Circle (0:51-0:54) ---- Pop’n Twinbee (0:54-0:58) Tower Dream (0:58-1:05) Nankoku Shounen Papuwa-kun (1:05-1:14) Ranma Nibunnoichi - Chougi Ranbu Hen (1:14-1:22) Romancing Saga 3 (1:22-1:28) Keeper (1:28-1:32) Angelique (1:32-1:37) Taekwon-Do (1:37-1:41) Coron Land (1:41-:1:46) Sanrio World Smash Ball! (1:46-1:53) ---- Ghost Chaser Densei (1:53-1:59) Rendering Ranger R2 (1:59-2:03) Super Robot Taisen Gaiden - Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental (2:03-2:08) Battle Racers (2:08-2:15) Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Another Story (2 b.../b

100 Super Famicom games in 10 minutes PART

Super Nintendo - Games to Remember#01 - Earth Defense Force - Playthrough This was the first shooter game I picked up for the SNES and it has remained one of my favorites for a long time. It combines a classic feel with amazing gameplay and graphics for such an old game. To sum up you’re in a plane with two satellites surrounding you. You (along with the satellites) shoot the enemy fighters. Easy enough no? Storyline: 6/10 Well this is a shooter game so I can’t say that the storyline is very important. Super EDF basically goes through the basic storyline of ’’big thing coming to destroy world must blow it up’’ that most shooter games go through. However like I said the least important part of any shooter is its story. Sound: 9/10 Very very good music for a shooter. The melodies just add to the destruction. The game even comes with a sound test which is a big plus. Now you can listen to the awesome music without having to play through the game. Unfortunately the entire game only has 10 different songs in it. No voices in this game however. Graphics: 10/10 The graphics for this game are just AMAZING. Especially considering how old of a game it really is. The enemy ships are all highly detailed their bullets look wonderful and the physics of this game are mostly in place. And your ship’s weapons look amazing. IMO Explode and Photon look the best in terms of graphics especially at higher levels. Controls: 9/10 This game gets props for trying. Most shooters b.../b

EDF Snes Super Nes Nintendo Nave Tiro Shooter
snes super nintendo sfc famicom rendering ranger r2
snes super nintendo sfc famicom rendering ranger r2
snes super nintendo sfc famicom rendering ranger r2
snes super nintendo sfc famicom rendering ranger r2
レンダリングレンジャーR2 【スーパーファミコン・シューティング ...

レンダリングレンジャーR2 【スーパーファミコン・シューティング】【中古】の ゲーム画面、レンダリングレンジャーR2 ... スーパーファミコン スポーツ シミュレーション スーパーファミコン シミュレーション その他 スーパーファミコン 攻略本 ...

レンダリング・レンジャーR2|クソゲー レビュー 動画 攻略|VIET ...

1995年11月17日 ... レンダリング・レンジャーR2 懐ゲー ファミコン スーパーファミコン スーファミ アーケード クソゲー 笑ゲー レビュー 動画 神プレイ. 懐ゲー ファミコン スーパーファミコン スーファミ アーケード ...


レンダリング・レンジャーR2. アクション 1995年11月17日発売 ヴァージン インタラクティブエンターテインメント ... 一口で言えばSFC末期に発売された逆輸入版 洋ゲーで、レンダリングされた背景・キャラは綺麗で、一見の価値有り。 ...

スーパーファミコンソフト や・ら・わ行 - レンダリング・レンジャー ...

本体・ソフト・攻略本・周辺機器など豊富に取り扱ってます。お買い上げ15000円以上で 全国どこでも送料無料、ご注文後迅速発送致します。 ... ホーム|商品カテゴリ一覧: スーパーファミコンソフト や・ら・わ行 | レンダリング・レンジャー R2 ...

レンダリングレンジャーR2 【スーパーファミコン・シューティング ...

レンダリングレンジャーR2 【スーパーファミコン・シューティング】【中古】の ゲーム画面、レンダリングレンジャーR2 【スーパーファミコン・シューティング】【 中古】をプレイしたみんなの感想レビューを掲載中.

シューティング ファミコン通販【ファミコンデパート】懐かしいレトロ ...

ヨッシーのロードハンティング(スーパースコープ専用) 【スーパーファミコン・ シューティング】【中 ...

レンダリングレンジャーR2 【スーパーファミコン ... - 楽天市場

【送料無料】 レンダリングレンジャーR2 【スーパーファミコン・シューティング】【 中古】【あす楽対応】 ... 送料無料】 レンダリングレンジャーR2 【 スーパーファミコン・シューティング】【中古】【あす楽 ...

【楽天市場】【中古】 SFCレンダリング・レンジャーR2:シルバーリーフ

はじめまして、シルバーリーフ楽天市場店です。 ゲームソフト、DVDを中心に フィギュアやテレカも ...

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