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ゲーム音楽 歴史 旅行 陰陽師 酒呑童子

Original Air Date: August 1st 2009 The game sample for The Heian Fuuunden. The game is a little strange. It’s generally a strategy RPG. You gain levels through fighting and you have different units with different abilities. Kagura the main character has the useful and powerful ability to counter-attack. Normally I’ve found counter abilities to be unimpressive in many RPGs that I’ve played but his counter-attack is deadly due to the fact that Kagura suffers no damage whatsoever and strikes for high damage. You move units in a grid-like fashion attacks having varying degrees of range etc. You get the warrior-types who use weapon skills and magicians and healing units. Units skilled in holy arts can perform exorcism to instantly destroy phantoms that summoners create and stuff like that. From what I’ve played I don’t really care for the game much...special effects seems limited and the music seems pretty boring. I might enjoy it if I play it more. Enjoy.

Heian Fuuunden KSS ケーエスエス Natsume Simulation RPG

知る人ぞ知るSFCの名作、「平安風雲伝」のBGMに乗せて、ゆかりの場所を訪ねます。 今回は神楽部隊の曲に合わせて、熊野、大江山、吉野、宇治などを訪ねます。 音源はsound.jp 画像は全て完全自前です。

ゲーム音楽 陰陽師 Travel Game Japan

Original Air Date: August 1st 2009 What to say about this game...? It’s made in 1995 and published by KSS the same group that published games like Mujin Shima Monogatari and Bing Bing! Bingo. Uhh...darn it’s hard to say things when you upload the weirdest stuff...well it is said that the game is developed by Natsume but I’m not too sure if that makes me feel good in the case of this game. The game takes place during the Heian period meaning that the game takes place anywhere from the year 794 to 1185. The game starts with a rebellion that is on the rise and a man named Kamohiro is passing the message along to local villages. After some talking Kamohiro decides that it is best to talk to someone more powerful than himself to help deal with the rebellion so he talks to a man named Seimei Yasube. Apparently the rebellion will destroy Kyoto if it isn’t dealt with. After Kamohiro’s conversation with Yasube is over the game introduces the main character. You control a youth named Kagura who is practicing the way of the sword. His master tells him that he has become quite skilled in the art of counter-attacking and that a strong defense is critical to defeat his opponents. Kagura’s master’s words are interrupted by a young man named Touta who tells Kagura that a village elder named Tenkai is looking for him. You go into the house on the far top-right of the screen and speak to Tenkai and he tells you to travel to find Yasube. Basically the game deals with the dead b.../b

Heian Fuuunden KSS ケーエスエス Natsume Simulation RPG

知る人ぞ知るSFCの名作、「平安風雲伝」のBGMに乗せて、ゆかりの場所を訪ねます。 今回は紅葉部隊の曲で、上田、戸隠、鬼無里の鬼女紅葉伝説伝承地を巡ります。 音源はsound.jp 画像は全て完全自前です。

ゲーム音楽 戸隠 鬼無里 鬼女紅葉 Travel Game Japan

A pretty generic if not somewhat underwhelming RPG that has some semi-decent music and great illustrations by the talented Akihiro Yamada though they only really shine if you own the box and manual as that’s where the majority of them are. You get to choose the role of a male or female protagonist who both eventually leave home when they are of age to become world-class magicians by learning magic at various magical institutions across the world in order to become strong enough to defeat a prophesized evil. Characters age and most characters have a special skill though very few are talented enough to learn magic. It’s not as unconventional as another Hot-B RPG Blue Almanac (released on the Sega Mega Drive). I think it was fan-translated but I don’t care much for it to be honest so you’ll have to find out. This is random gameplay from my cart.

Ancient Magic Bazoo! Mahou Sekai SNES SFC Hot-B
平安風雲伝攻略wiki - トップページ

このwikiはKSSのスーパーファミコン用ソフト「平安風雲伝」の攻略wikiです。 ... 当 攻略wikiでは平安風雲伝に関する攻略情報を常時募集しております。 wiki編集に自信の ない方でも伝言板に書いていただくか、執筆人のMarineまで メール下されば代行で編集 ...


GAME大宝庫 裏技宝典 スーパーファミコン. 平安風雲伝. ◇商人とのかけひき 商人 と話して買い物画面にする。 自分の持っている道具をすべて選び、商人からもらう道具 の個数を、渡す道具と同じ価値になるよう決める。 Bを押して自分の道具の欄に ...


平安風雲伝 HEIWA Parlor!Mini8 パチンコ実機シミュレーションゲーム SFC:更新 FRONT ...


ファイナルファイト タフ ファイナルファイト 攻略するよ. 主人公キャラ 敵キャラ アイテム ステージ攻略 ... 平安風雲伝 平安風雲伝攻略wiki. エリア攻略 データ(1 23) ... ホーム・アローン スーファミゲーム攻略館. ステージ攻略 ...

平安風雲伝 【スーパーファミコン・シミュレーション】【中古】の通販 ...

平安風雲伝 【スーパーファミコン・シミュレーション】【中古】のゲーム画面、平安 風雲伝 【スーパーファミコン・シミュレーション】【中古】をプレイしたみんなの感想 レビューを掲載中.

シミュレーション ファミコン通販【ファミコンデパート】懐かしい ...

おらがランド主催 ベストファーマー収穫祭 【スーパーファミコン・シミュレーション】 【中古】 ...

平安風雲伝とは - Weblio辞書

2010年11月25日 ... 平安風雲伝とは? 平安風雲伝(へいあんふううんでん)はKSSから1995年に発売された コンピューターゲームソフト。 ... 平安風雲伝に関係した商品. 【メール便可能】【 中古】 SFC平安風雲伝シルバーリーフ 【中古】SFC 平安風雲伝ステップ ...

ブックオフオンライン:SFC 平安風雲伝: ゲーム(中古)

ゲーム/販売会社/発売会社: 発売年月日:1995/09/29 JAN:4988262300334/ブック オフ公式通販・買取サイト。1500円以上のご注文で送料無料。


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