I made this video as practice for more videos to come and because I remember playing this game a lot when I was younger and being excited when I pulled of some of the moves in the video. compared to games now Argus is nothing spectacular but it would be a good game for the Wii Console.
Argus NES Nintendo Famicom Jaleco Robot Secrets Transformation
アーガス[a-gasu] = Argus(1986 Jaleco) B : Invisible Shield for 10 sec P : Power up + Speed up
NES ファミコン Argus 아가스 패미컴 쟈레코 Jaleco
何もない所で爆発ARGUS BUG FAMICOM ファミコン1986/4/17
ゲーム NES computer game videogame ファミリーコンピューター nintendo シューティング
Argus is a another top down shooter just like 90% of nes games. Like most of them their enjoyable if lacking it longevity.
nes games nintendo entertainment system playthrough argus 2d