ツインビーです。普通の動画です。クリアしていませんが、音楽とこのポップな雰囲気がいいですね。 NES software Twinbee. I could not finish the game. Although the game it self is difficult to finish for me I love the sound and atomosphere of the game.
twinbee NES ファミコン レトロ コナミ konami 任天堂
コナミ・ファミコンソフト初代ツインビーCM 1986年
ファミコン FC famicom nes twinbee CM KONAMI
PART 1. One player controls two characters. PLAYER - SEABOOK
クリア ファミコン FAMICOM NES KONAMI コナミ レトロゲーム ゲーム
With enough skill and powerups it’s very possible to play TwinBee indefinitely. So I decided to challenge myself. For this gaming session I am to play through all 5 stages without collecting a single powerup. No colored bells no candy on the ground none of that upbeat powerup music. This part covers the first three stages.
nes famicom twinbee ファミコン
Still flying still no powerups. This part covers the last two stages of the game (and no their graphics are not glitchy this time). This run officially ends upon the completion of Stage 5. Can you beat my score? )