今日のホームラン プロ野球 スーパー゚ファミコン Super Famicon family stujium base
ゲーム op ファミリーコンピュータ FC ファミコン classic video game
燃えプロのモバイル版です。 バントホームランも出来ます!
12月19日に約2000人がこのビデオを見た! なぜかな〜 (僕の日本語の読む人へ:がんばって!) This is a response to the video of the Lions’ Ozeki’s ’bunt home run’ that was spliced together. It has received a bunch of ’Oh that’s so fake!’ comments. OF COURSE IT’S FAKE it’s a JOKE. Apparently people don’t understand that it’s parodying this quirk from the game. Ochiai is batting for the Dragons and as the computer’s designated ’power hitter’ no matter how he swings he almost always hits a home run and as this shows even a bunt can result in a home run. It took several takes from my emulator (hence the editing BEFORE the pitch is thrown - but nowhere else) but he bunted that home run.