ストーリー上、何があったか知らないが...最後の方は、ちょっと鳥さんがかわいそうになって。 Sorry I am not so skilled to English. It was put on the market from the TV game company MICRONET of Japan as software for GENESIS on December 23 1989. When it was very unpopular it often saw as a bargain sale commodity in the shop that paved it in Japan. There might be almost no person who makes the music of such a game like this. In the meaning it might be valuable. I made it for this and the friend who was.
[Practice] TheWildcards in Japan [Walk Softly].mov Vo.G John Cuzel / G.Bob Talbot / E.Ba.Joel / EG Goku / Md Hideman / Db Jerry Kusakabe / Dr Francois / Ba. Doc Izoe 2010 03
The Wildcards Walk Softly Jam Band Dead Chirdren
[Practice] TheWildcards in Japan [Midnight Moonlight].mov Vo.G John Cuzel / G.Bob Talbot / EGJoel / Bj. Goku / Md Hideman / Db Jerry Kusakabe / Dr Francois / Ba. Doc Izoe 2010 03
Midnight Moonlight thewildcards Jam Band Dead Chirdren Greatful