メガドライブ海外(GENESIS)版ソフト The Adventures of Batman and Robin ステージ3 4エリア~ボス戦の動画です ボス戦は演出が綺麗なのでもう少し粘って撮りたかったのですが・・・ライフの残りが厳しかったのでゴリ押しとなってしまいました 自分が公開している動画リストはこちらmylist/16073242になります
プレイ動画 レトロゲーム GENESIS BATMAN キャラゲー アクション
メガCD(SEGA-CD)用ソフト BATMAN RETURNS(バットマンリターンズ) ステージ2後半(プラットフォームモード)の動画です 中ボスのキャットウーマンの倒し方を忘れて酷い目に会いましたorz その3はsm11900374 その5はsm12278939 自分が公開している動画リストはこちらmylist/16073242になります
収録タイトル MegaTurrican・Mick Mack as Global Gladiators・Micro Machines - Turbo Tournament ’96 ・Skitchin・Sunset Riders・Street Racer・The Adventures of Batman and Robin NO.1→ sm7803168 NO.3→ sm7803297 マイリスト→ mylist/10792289
This is the introduction of Batman for Sega Genesis. Esta é a abertura de Batman para o Mega Drive. こちらはバットマンのメガドライブのゲームオープニングです。
Batman Intro Introduction Introdução Opening オープニング op
[Genesis/Megadrive] Batman 배트맨 バットマン
Sega Genesis Megadrive 메가드라이브 メガドライブ Batman 배트맨
Batman MD/Genesis OST (((Stereo)))
Batman Mega Drive Genesis OST
You’d think the doctors on staff here would be a little miffed with Batman what with him sending them people like Zsasz and Killer Croc when all they ever wanted to do is explain to some poor guy why daddy never hugged him. Gotham can be a cruel strange place.
Nerdwatch Batman: Arkham Asylum Let’s Play
Game Over Yeah!! strikes fear into the hearts of bad guys by donning the black Bat Cowl and er dying. Tch eh?
game over yeah batman megadrive sega
The Resort Video Guide presents This Week at the Beach your all inclusive pass to the latest and greatest destinations in and around Ocean City! Featuring DJ Batman
ocean city beach vacation summer dj batman fun
Original Air Date: March 06th 2009 The final level and ending for the game. The boss is generally unbeatable unless you have some invincibility regardless of what you do. We recommend getting at least one preferably two (through the course of the game) to give you the edge against the final boss. He simply has too much life and unavoidable attacks to take on in a slugfest. Enjoy the...ending?
Batman Revenge of the Joker Ringler Studios Genesis
The Resort Video Guide presents This Week at the Beach your all inclusive pass to the latest and greatest destinations in and around Ocean City! Featuring DJ Batman
ocean city beach vacation summer dj batman fun
Une pub perso pour les aventures de Batmanet Robin sur megadrive. Voyez aussi la Demo MD 1.
megadrive md trailer adventures batman robin
The Resort Video Guide presents This Week at the Beach your all inclusive pass to the latest and greatest destinations in and around Ocean City! Featuring DJ Batman