紹介プレイなのにかなりgdgdしてます。大変申し訳ありません。生命コンパネをいじって進化と突然変異を促した方が良かったかもしれません。テストプレイでは、コンパネを変えずとも10分ほどで魚類まで進化したんですが、運が悪かったようです。「リムルダール大陸」の移動による「蟹の楽園」の縮小と、「リムルダール大陸」「ドムドーラ大陸」間の海域における大規模な隆起による「蛸の楽園」の縮小が問題でした。なお今回は、640×480でエンコしてあるのでフルスクリーンにしたときの画質が幾分か向上しております。アドバイスくださった方は、大変ありがとうございました。sm8451597←その1 その3→sm8603478全話→mylist/15267077 まとめ→sm2113808
A country with 27000 newspapers and 850 million mobile phone users presented a marketing challenge for the US motor vehicle manufacturing giant Ford when it decided to make inroads into the Indian small car market. But extensive research into customers’ aspirations and a strong focus on value delivered cut-through for the four-wheeled Australian-designed Figo in a populous nation of do-it-yourself mechanics. Michael Boneham president and managing director of Ford India shares lessons from the journey so far in a video interview for Knowledge@Australian School of Business.
This map was made by [MD]Myke_Cawke and HuGZ it is only the first look at how the map may look like its not finished but nearly is. This map will also have a custom ai
Produced by Realty.com this video provides a snapshot of the Baltimore real estate market. Baltimore ranks as the 20th most populous metropolitan area in the United States. According the National Association of Realtors Baltimore’s average home price in 2007 is $293700. In 2005 the US Census Bureau told us that the average household income for the state of Maryland is $61592. Baltimore is subject to MD’s 10.8% tax rate which ranks as the 24th most taxed state in the union. For more real estate information and to gain full access to all MLS For Sale by Owner and Foreclosure listings for the Baltimore area visit us at Realty.com. ...Realty.com - Real Estate Services you can trust.
Artist: Wale Song Title: The Artistic Integrity Album: Mixtape About Nothing Wale is a emcee who lived in Largo MD and is representing Washington DC. Wale is one of my favorites just cause I’m from that area and you gotta support the home town heroes. Listened to his mixtapes from the beginning and it’s good to see him getting his well deserved national attention. Bringing the underground to the populous. Subscribe. Enjoy. Peace.
13 Kiklled in Egypt Revolution Today مقتل ١٣ في ثورة مصر اليوم Violent protests have rocked Egypt this week with demonstrators demanding the ouster of the country’s longtime autocratic president Hosni Mubarak. The tension increased today when Mohammed ElBaradei a former top official at the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency and a high-profile Mubarak opponent who had returned to Cairo in a bid to provide a leader for the mass movement was placed under house arrest. The unrest in the Arab world’s most populous country -- a longtime US ally -- comes on the heels of similar protests earlier this month in Tunisia which forced that country’s president to flee into exile. Today marks a pivotal moment in the anti-Mubarak demonstrations with the government shutting down Internet access in the country and cracking down on social-media access among demonstrators communicating with the outside world. Mubarak has also imposed a curfew from 6 PM until 7 AM in Cairo in two other cities which an AP report calls ’the most dramatic measure so far to quell riots and protests.’ (The government has since made the curfews nationwide although protesters are continuing to disregard them.) You can watch al-Jazeera’s live feed on the protests here. Michele Dunne is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace. She has served as a specialist on Middle East affairs with the White House and the State Department and has written widely on Arab politics and political and economic reform b.../b
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