どうも。いよいよゴールデンウィーク突入ですね。みなさんはいかがお過ごしでしょうか?家でゴロゴロする人も旅行する人も休みボケを引きずらないようにヘヴィメタルで気を引き締めましょう!選曲は微妙かもしれませんがお楽しみください。1Ozzy Osbourne/Bark At The Moon 2Judas Priest/Freewheel Burning 3Anthrax/I Am The Law 4Megadeth/She-Wolf 5Outrage/Megalomania 6Racer X/Superheroes 7Black Sabbath/Embryo/Children Of The Grave 8Metallica/One 9Angra/Temple Of Hate 10Iron Maiden/Fear Of The Darkコミュ→co478334 マイリス→mylist/12157237 至高の名曲マイリス→mylist/21915763 ヘヴィメタルタイムpart4→sm13864797
Il nuovo spettacolo di Valentina Grigò e Stefano Filippi prodotto in collaborazione con La Città del Teatro e dell’immaginario contemporaneo di Cascina. Lo spettacolo è liberamente ispirato alla vita e alle opere di Edith Piaf e ai testi di Igor Sibaldi. Parte da qui per inoltrarsi in immagini riflessioni e spunti suggeriti dal mondo del disagio psichico. Chi è Marcelle Dupont? E’ davvero la figlia di Edith Piaf? Perché viene rinchiusa in un padiglione psichiatrico? La sua patologia è conclamata? Chi sono coloro che decidono il suo internamento e che ne dispongono le cure? E chi i personaggi che incontra? Domande che ne aprono altre più articolate: chi è malato e chi sano? Quali sono i criteri che stabiliscono la salute mentale? Cos’è la guarigione? Fino ad arrivare all’interrogativo ulteriore: chi siamo veramente? Uno spazio claustrofobico un tempo sospeso un luogo d’internamento psichiatrico dove si coglie la necessità di agire per salvarsi l’urgenza di ri/conoscersi ri/uscire per incontrare finalmente una dimensione intera e autentica del Sé.
Valentina Grigò Stefano Filippi MD Edith Piaf Igor
the Blood Live at Phantasmagoria in Wheaton Maryland June 11 1999. Most of this performance was used for their live CD that came out on Poorly Packaged Products. This was the first american date ever of the band. Obviously the audio is different on the CD this audio straight off the video camera mic. After this show 2000 miles of driving lay ahead lots of laughs my life in peril and a recording session to boot. This clip kicks off with ’Megalomania’. I flew this band over 100% support this message.
Punk oi metal
Us doing Illidari Council... such a nice clean kill... except for me dying.. :D
wow warcraft black temple illidari council illidan stormrage
Sensible Software first game I played! I have truly fond memories from this strategy gem. The Amiga original is still the finest incarnation this is the SNES conversion wich was as good as you could get. This is me on Epoch 9 playing with a SNES mouse rushing for UFO’s! Also know as Tyrants in the US. We nuked them!
SNES Super Nintendo Mega Lo Mania Megalomania Tyrants
DC Fire Department delayed fighting the Mount Pleasant Fire. I recorded this shortly after the arrival of the first fire engines. The time code represents where my tape is at. The fire eventually declared a 5 alarms fire with more then 300 firefighters from DC Maryland and Virginia... The fire destroyed 85 apartment units at the Deauville at 3145 Mount Pleasant Street in Washington DC also damaged much of Meridian Hill Baptist Church and part of 3149 Mount Pleasant Street leaving almost 200 people homeless and millions of dollars in damages. District of Columbia Fire Chief Dennis Rubin told WTOP news radio that the fire crews first focused on evacuating the buildings. While Anna Kelso reported in her blog that a ’friendly police officer’ told her the DC Fire department was ’rather slow in responding to the fire.’ annakelso.blogspot.com
Mount Pleasant Fire District of Columbia Department DCFD